Brain Based tool to help review information and store it in long term memory
Take 2 mins to write down how you study, review- generally how you get LARGE amounts of info in your lovely little heads so you can get it back out later… Take 1 min each to discuss with partner…Jedis talk first, Empire listen first…after 1 min switch Bringing out ideas to the floor…
This is what a Mind Map looks like…
The brain processes information very similar to the way the mind map looks…in stems The brain makes connections to information in this same format…
Can ONLY be 5 stems (Brain can only process limited amt. of info at a time) MUST have colors (colors help to categorize and associate) MUST have symbols (remember that only 25% of semantic [words] information gets stored in long term memory) This is 10 years worth of work by Dr. Jeff Sapp, Professor at CSUDH
I need someone to suggest a topic that everyone knows about already to help practice… I need a board volunteer Let’s now break this topic apart into 5 parts One stem at a time let’s add COLOR and SYMBOL You’ve now created in your first map
Working in partners, create a mind map for something we’ve studied here in class…anything we’ve looked at so far You have 10 minutes to make a basic mind map, so pick something that is not too complicated
Take 3 mins to write down the following: Things that worked and that you like about this tool Challenges to the tool that you can foresee being a problem If this works for you…how can you use it? If this doesn’t work for you…explain why not?