‘MOSSY’ MENTORING for ‘CUTIES’ Recent Developments in Romanian Mentoring Monica Marasescu
Empowering by Mentoring zTraining zStandardisation zNetworking zPRESETT-INSETT/ Beyond ITT and ELT zExpertise zResources zSustainability Problems
Training zELT zMentor Trainers zNon-ELT GAINS z personal z interpersonal z professional z status and recognition z institutional z partnerships z resources
Standardisation harmonisation/status/recognition/certification/accreditation zMentee Evaluation Instruments zMentor Occupational Standards zMentor Evaluation Standards zCourse design (Ro, Hu, Bul, Lv, Ru, Ukr, etc) zMentor Observation and Support Scheme
Mentor Observation and Support Scheme/MOSS AIM: zto meet needs for standardisation and good quality mentoring of increasing no of Ms for ITT and induction PRODUCT: zGuide/instrument of observation and assessment by self/peers/STs/Meths
MOSS vs MESS/ Mossy vs Messy ‘A rolling stone gathers no moss’ Definition (Collins Cobuild English Language Dictionary): ‘ a person who keeps wandering casually from place to place will never enjoy the benefits of a settled life, such as a family, a home, a career, or close friends; will also avoid responsibilities….’
Networking zConferences (national/follow-up; international) zNetworking lists/directory zAsMeRo /Romanian Mentor Association zNewsletter and web page zInternational courses/Consultancy
PreSeTT&InSeTT/ Beyond ITT and ELT NQT Project (ELT) ztraining workshops zmentoring for induction ( portfolios for NQT and M) zNQT resource centre z START Project (non-ELT) z training MTs z training Ms for induction z standards for teachers z pilot schools
Expertise Trained MentorsMentor Trainers (all subjects) Know-how Mentors for induction
Resources zMentoring books zMentor course packs zCourse reports zStandards zPortfolios zGuide to Mentor Evaluation zNewsletter zWeb
Sustainability Problems zRecognition vs Accreditation (courses, certificates, standards, programmes) zParallel developments? zMentor status/pay zPartnership zFunding zNational vs international recognition zCommunication