Roles & Responsibilities of Line Managers
Roles we play … L eader Coacher, Mentor Trainer Counsellor
Staff Supervision... Earlier approaches Forceful Managing people Leading staff Leadership Transformational Transactional
Leadership... Ability to influence a group towards achievement of goals
Transformational Leader
Transactional Leader
Manager Vs Leader Administration A Copy Maintain Focus on systems Relies on control Ask how and when Accept the status quo Short range view Innovation Original Develop Focus on people inspires on trust Ask what and why Challenges the status quo Long range vision
Leader… Imagination Intuition Insight
To be an exceptional leader… Humility Competence Approachability Discipline Conviction
To be an exceptional leader… Decisiveness Knowledge Direction Clarity Charisma
Coaching,Mentoring Coaching is… "a process that enables learning and development to occur and thus performance to improve through a variety of styles, skills and techniques, appropriate to the context in which the coaching takes place" Processes that enable individuals to achieve their full potential
Mentoring is... "off-line help by one person to another in making significant transitions in knowledge, work or thinking" Performance Coaching & Mentoring Skills Coaching & Mentoring Personal Coaching & Mentoring
Trainer Identifying T&D needs Arrangement of suitable training Development plans & strategies Review plans Reinforcement Follow up action Impact Evaluation
Benefits Increased job satisfaction Increased employee motivation Increased efficiencies in processes Increased innovation Enhanced company image Increased capacity to adopt new technologies and methods
Counselor Counseling… any relationship in which one person is helping another person to better understand and solve some problem
People are helped to… express themselves identify, sort-out, clarify their problem identify non-helpful patterns learn, more helpful coping skills identify and achieve goals
Need for counseling Anger Anxiety Codependence Denial Defenses Shame
Benefits Improved communication Optimum stress levels Developed self esteem/image Optimum conflict levels Improved teamwork
Responsibilities… Developing positive attitudes and behaviour Identifying Training and Development needs Maintaining discipline
Identifying future potential of employees and career guidance Managing performance and providing performance feedback Identify employee needs and take necessary measures Working environment Welfare facilities Recreational
Thank You Nishantha Ratnayake HS/MPPL HR Division - 605