AmeriCorps A network of national programs that allow citizens to provide service that addresses critical needs in their communities.
AmeriCorps in Oregon Federal funding for statewide programming comes through Oregon Volunteers Application and financial support is required from a sponsoring organization. Funding is in 3 year cycles Team must include 10 FTE or more
Keys to Successful Program Commitment of Sponsor Organizational Capacity Address critical need Strong program design Clear partnerships Ability to recruit, train and support AmeriCorps members
Parameters AmeriCorps members expand or enhance existing services Cannot displace existing staff Cannot perform administrative tasks Cannot be involved with federally prohibited activities Are not employees of sponsor, or program. They are “participants.”
AmeriCorps Basics “Member” not employee “Living allowance” not salary “Service” not employment “Select” not hire
AmeriCorps Basics Full time members = 1700 hours in a 12 month period Perform direct hands-on service Fund raising limited to project specific – no operating funds Members receive training hours No upper age limit (17+) Eligibility: Age + citizenship
Partnerships for Student Achievement The mission of Partnerships for Student Achievement (PSA) is to increase student academic achievement in Washington County Schools. The PSA AmeriCorps Team will improve academic achievement through: tutoring, mentoring, extended school day activities, parent involvement programs and volunteer generation.
Relationships Service Sites (K-12 Schools) Washington County Schools Sponsor: Forest Grove School District Partnerships forStudent Achievement Federal Agency: Corporation for National Service State Agency: Oregon Volunteers
Relationships: Sponsor The Forest Grove School District Host District Administrative Support Space Training & Resources Payroll & Accounting
Relationships: AmeriCorps program Partnerships for Student Achievement Program staff manage program Identify sites, recruit members, provide training for members and sites Responsible for financial and progress reporting to federal funders Provides ongoing support to members Evaluates program and ensures design continues to meet critical needs Applies for funding annually
Relationships: Host Sites Individual Partner Schools (K-12) Any public school in Washington County Application to PSA for member with individual position description Assist with recruitment Site level supervision and mentoring Training and professional development Cash and in-kind match
Member Activities Members serve full-time and support individual school initiatives through the following activities: Tutoring Extended School Day Activities Parent Outreach Volunteer Generation
Program Design Individual Placement Model Site Level Support, Mentorship, and Training Weekly Program Training Ongoing Support Site Visits
Benefits for Schools One-on-one & small group tutoring services Before and after school programs Parent outreach activities Volunteer generation, coordination, training, and recognition Role models for students Fresh creative energy
Results Last year alone, 20 PSA members provided tutoring and mentoring services to over 1,300 students. 99% of those students demonstrated an increase in the area tutored. Extended School Day activities served over 1,000 students. Over 60 Parent Outreach activities were completed. 391 volunteers were recruited serving over 5,300 hours of service to partner schools.
Member Benefits Tangible PSA member benefits include the following: A living allowance of $1,036/month An AmeriCorps Education Award of $4,725 Forbearance from outstanding student loans Health Care 4 Graduate credits from Pacific University’s School of Education – Issues and Trends in Education – PSA only Childcare
And there’s more… The intangible benefits include: The knowledge that they have made a difference in a young person's life The satisfaction that comes from serving their community and country Development of career plans and a professional portfolio of accomplishments The opportunity to work with education professionals on some of the most pressing problems in education today
More information… AmeriCorps – AmeriCorps in Oregon Oregon Volunteers Patricia Bollin Partnerships for Student Achievement Jeri Lerwick x4537