Temperate Grasslands By: Bianca Soliz and Caroline Couzens
Veldts of South Africa Puszta of Hungary Pampas of Argentina/Uruguay Steppes of Russia / China Plains and Prairies of North America Global Distribution
Regional Variations Veldts: warm temperate climate. Pampas : Ave. temp of 18° C, dry and warm summer, humid ecosystem makes it one of the richest grazing areas in world, temperate climate, rich and deep soil. Steppes : dry, cold, windy, poor soil, mountain barriers, and usually located between desert and forest. Plains and Prairies : moist near mountains, dry in central areas, long and dry period over summer, and very fertile soil.
Climate Rain Fall: Falls in the late spring and early summer. Annual Average of inches. Temperature: Hot summers and cold winters. Drought & Fire: Keep trees from taking over grasslands. Soil: Deep, dark and nutrient-rich, mild leaching, high organic content, and concentration of calcium carbonate. Upper layers are most fertile.
Resources Raising livestock for human consumption and for dairy products. Grazing Cutting (Hay) Natural or man-made fires.
Changes Throughout Geologic Time cool to warm temperatures Grasses evolved reduced rainfall
Adaptations Unique to Grasslands Prairie plants Horses Prairie dogs Temperate Grassland Tropical Grassland Giraffe’s necks Different animals eat from different parts of the grass plant (zebras, wildebeest, gazelles)
Threats and Environmental Problems Because the soil in these areas is incredibly rich and the land is flat and treeless, most of this biome has been turned into farms or ranches. overuse and consumption of the grassland by agricultural practices is a fragmentation of once large tracks of grassland. Fragmentation decreases biodiversity Plowing of grasslands, combined with wind has lead to huge dust storms Overgrazing and salt
Sources: /tempgras.html /tempgras.html