Impacts of Multiple Stressors on Water Quality in Saginaw Bay Juli Dyble, Gary Fahnenstiel, Tom Nalepa, Hank Vanderploeg NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Lab Tom Johengen CILER Scott Peacor, Dianna Dziekan, Kim Peters Michigan State University Steve FrancoeurDonna Kashian Eastern Michigan University Wayne State University Jim Bredin, Bruce Walker Joe Depinto Michigan DEQ LimnoTech Peter Lavrentyev Dave Millie University of Akron Florida Institute of Oceanography
monthly surveys (May, July, Sept) 10 inner bay, 3 outer bay stations 5 Master stations (surface and bottom) monthly surveys (May – Oct) 10 inner bay, 3 outer bay stations, 2 water intakes 5 Master stations (surface and bottom) monthly surveys (May – Oct) 10 inner bay, 1 outer bay stations, 2 water intakes 5 Master stations (surface and bottom) Samples collected
Sampling stations Blue: Master (5) Red: Basic (8) Water utility intakes
Physical CTD: temperature, conductivity, PAR, transmittance, DO Secchi depth Chemical total P, SRP, TDP, particulate CN, DOC, NO 3, NH 4, SiO 2, Cl TSS, VSS Phytoplankton chl a phytoplankton cell counts phytoplankton groups for algal pigments (HPLC) Microcystis and microcystin (master stations and water intakes) Zooplankton and microzooplankton vertical tows w/ 64 um net (master stations) oblique tows for larger bodied zooplankton (master stations) whole samples in lugols and formalin (to Peter Lavrentyev) Parameters measured
Physical CTD (temp, PAR, DO, Chl and PC fluorescence) – downloaded Secchi depth - logged Chemical total P, SRP, TDP, NO 3, NH 4, SiO 2, Cl – 2008, 2009, 2010 particulate CN , 2009 (2010 in process) DOC – 2008, 2009, 2010 TSS, VSS – 2009, 2010 Phytoplankton chl a , 2009, 2010 phytoplankton cell counts – 2008, 2010 (2009 likely not available) phytoplankton groups for algal pigments (HPLC) – not done Microcystis and microcystin – (2010 in process) Zooplankton and microzooplankton vertical tows w/ 64 um net (master stations) – 2009 (2010 in process) oblique tows for larger bodied zooplankton (master stations) whole samples in lugols and formalin (to Peter Lavrentyev) Status of sample processing
Avg surface temp ( ) SB2 SB5 SB14 SB10 SB20
Average yearly TP ( ) Driven by 2010 values Driven by 2009 values SB2 SB5 SB14 SB10 SB20
Average yearly chl a ( ) SB2 SB5 SB14 SB10 SB20 Proposed chla resulting from 15 ug P/L in Saginaw Bay, 1979 P mgmt strategies workshop 3.6 ug/L
Chl a vs TP R 2 = R 2 = R 2 =
Phyto community analysis – 2008 (% of total biovolume) SB2 SB5 SB14 SB10 SB20 SB2 May 08 July 08 Sept 08 SB5 SB14
Phyto community analysis – 2008 (% of total biovolume) SB2 SB5 SB14 SB10 SB20 SB10 May 08 July 08 Sept 08 SB20
Many Thanks to: Ashley Burtner Danna Palladino Duane Gossiaux Nancy Morehead Joann Cavaletto Dave Fanslow Steve Constant Lee Wyrobek Dennis Donahue Andrew Yagiela Mike Taetsch Tom Joyce Jack Workman