Do You Teach the Way They Learn? Presenter: Lisa Bathe Illinois Online Network
What is a Learning Style? How a person perceives and processes information Click on “Questionnaire” to start
Kinesthetic – Learn by Doing all your senses - sight, touch, taste, smell, hearing... laboratories field trips field tours examples of principles lecturers who give real-life examples applications hands-on approaches (computing) trial and error collections of rock types, plants, shells, grasses... exhibits, samples, photographs... recipes - solutions to problems, previous exam papers
Read/Write listsheadingsdictionariesglossariesdefinitionshandoutstextbooks readings - library notes (often verbatim) teachers who use words well and have lots of information in sentences and notes essays manuals (computing and laboratory)
Aural (Auditory) attend classes attend discussions and tutorials discuss topics with others discuss topics with your teachers explain new ideas to other people use a tape recorder remember the interesting examples, stories, jokes... describe the overheads, pictures and other visuals to somebody who was not there leave spaces in your notes for later recall and 'filling'
Multiple Intelligences Linguistic intelligence ("word smart") Logical-mathematical intelligence ("number/reasoning smart") Spatial intelligence ("picture smart") Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence ("body smart") Musical intelligence ("music smart") Interpersonal intelligence ("people smart") Intrapersonal intelligence ("self smart") Naturalist intelligence ("nature smart")
Example A ASSIGNMENT: To integrate the idea of performance assessments with multiple intelligences, "spin" the assignment wheel below and select 1 of the following 7 assignment options: (Note: Verbal-Linguistic is not given as a separate option because a component of that is included in each of the assignments)
Example A (Continued) Mathematical-Logical: Think about the teachers at your school. Are any of them using performance assessment? Do grade level or years of experience seem to be influencing that? OR Are you currently using performance assessment? What quantifiable results do you see in student learning? Interpersonal: Talk to the teachers you know. Are they using performance assessment in their classrooms? Why or why not? If so, what results are they noticing? Bodily-Kinesthetic: Walk around your classroom and find items that could be utilized for performance assessment. Please describe and elaborate on these items. Spatial: Create a collage of how performance assessment can be seen in or impacts your classroom. Briefly describe and explain. Musical: What would be the current "theme song" of your classroom? What song do you feel epitomizes performance assessment? What would the new "theme song" be of your class if you implemented performance assessment? Please explain your choices. Naturalist: What natural phenomenon would best describe the effect of implementing performance assessment in your classroom? Please explain. Intrapersonal: Reflect on your own class. Do you currently use performance assessment? How could you incorporate it or improve the use of it in your class? Intrapersonal: Reflect on your own class. Do you currently use performance assessment? How could you incorporate it or improve the use of it in your class?
Example B ___Read the story of the fire at ___Examine at least three different sources (documents, pictures, or audio) ___Decide which project to complete (pick 1) ___Comment on at least 2 other projects (preferably different from the type completed)
Example B Continued ___ Collage of pictures or cartoons ___Select at least 3 images ___Discuss why each was selected ___Song ___Examine lyrics of songs already written ___Write an original song ___Statistical analysis ___Calculate average age of victims based on data given ___ Discuss how this fits or differs with the typical workforce in other factories __Fire vs. natural disaster or man-made disaster ___Look at impact of fire ___Select another disaster for compare/contrast ___Analyze similarities and differences ___Paper ___Discuss personal impact of this site
Online Multiple Intelligence Test
Group Activity How could you address more learning styles in your own class?
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