Vacuum systems and vacuum development at The Svedberg laboratory Lars Westerberg The Svedberg Laboratory, Uppsala University, Box 533, Uppsala, Sweden
Gustaf Werner Cyclotron, k=192 Cryo coolers
Experimental facilities Neutron beam facility 6x10 8 neutrons/s 20 – 180 MeV Development of neutron dosimetry/monitoring devices Single Event Effect studies Nuclear data/Transmutation Ion-beam therapy Materials science irradiations
The CELSIUS Ring CHICSi detector Electron cooler
Pellet target
Closing down CELSIUS 30 June 2005 WASA-> COSYCHICSi -> GSI, EXL exp. Pellet target->PANDA Cluster jet target->GSI Dev. for FAIR, HESR e-cooler, ion-ind desorption, XFEL
Upcoming events Workshop on outgassing OPM-2 June 17, 2005 in Uppsala Sweden. 13th Int Conf on Thin Films, 8th Int Conf on Atomically Controlled Surfaces ICTF-13/ACSIN8 Stockholm, Sweden, June 19-23, th Int Vacuum Congress, IVC17/ICSS13 Stockholm, Sweden, July