Constructive Alignment Hakim Usoof University of Colombo School of Computing
Constructive Alignment John Biggs Based upon – Constructivism – Alignment between Learning Objectives, Teaching-Learning Activities and Assessment Why is CA important? Hakim Usoof 20122
Applying Constructive Alignment Defining LOs according to a taxonomy so that they are measurable Designing suitable T-L activities to achieve those LOs Designing suitable assessment to Assess if Students have achieved the Los Hakim Usoof 20123
Moving on from simple CA Student evaluation of LOs, T-L activities and Assessment: Creates a feedback cycle for improvement and also gives students ownership of their learning Assessment for Learning or Formative Assessment Hakim Usoof
Why different Teaching- Learning & Assessment? Hakim Usoof University of Colombo School of Computing
Multiple Intelligence Linguistic intelligence Musical intelligence Logical / mathematical intelligence Visual / Spatial intelligence Bodily / kinesthetic intelligence Intrapersonal intelligence Interpersonal intelligence Howard Gardner Hakim Usoof
Assessment - A fair Chance & A Learning Opportunity Multiple assessment tasks so that each student has an opportunity prove that he/she has learned what is required Provide opportunity for Creativity Assessment as a Learning Tool Hakim Usoof