Grade 8 Healthy Living Multiple Intelligences
Take the survey to find out... How do you learn best? What type of learner are you?
Multiple Intelligences (Activity) Create a visual representation of the 8 Multiple Intelligences… Here is a link with some samples:
Multiple Intelligences Use the following link to record some jot-notes on each of the 8 multiple intelligences… tyles=1 Use the following link to record some jot-notes on each of the 8 multiple intelligences… tyles=1
Multiple Intelligences video 1 multiple intelligenceshttp:// video 2 =related =related multiple intelligences video 3 e=related e=related Video 4 mW_3ZhQZpc&NR=14 mult. Intell song mW_3ZhQZpc&NR=14 Some relevant videos to get you thinking about multiple intelligences …
Assessment 4321 Outcome SCO 1.4 :assess their individual strengths, skills, abilities, and interests in relation to employability skills Tasks: 1. Multiple Intelligence Survey/Assessment 2. Jot-notes for the 8 different intelligences 3. Poster of M.I. as a visual representation