Academic Models Project Quinebaug Valley CTC Student Outcomes Assessment
Team Members Team Members Delia Berlin, Director of Willimantic Center Scott DeShong, Instructor, English Brian Donohue-Lynch, Assist. Prof., Anthropology/Sociology Marion Egan, Assoc. Prof., Mathematics Susan Huard, Acting Dean of LSD Marie Kilbride, Director of Learning Services Stephanie Sywenkyj, Assoc. Prof., English
Statement of Goal 4 Develop a system for defining and assessing student outcomes at the course, program, and general education levels (at a minimum).
Sub-goals 4 Relate outcomes to recognized benchmarks 4 Work with other CTC teams to ensure design integration 4 Develop standards for defining and communicating outcomes at all levels 4 Ensure application to program guarantee, placement, and transfer
Outcomes Assessment Process 4 Inventory of existing components at QV 4 Web-page for assessment resources 4 Approval of general education outcomes 4 Program outcomes retreat 4 Professional development: multiple means of assessment 4 Plans for next steps
Inventory 4 Interviews of faculty and staff 4 Compilation of existing assessment tools 4 Analysis of findings –pre-existing course outcomes –pre-existing course-level assessment tools –pre-existing institutional effectiveness assessment tools
Web-page Development Some best practices/resources identified: –Portland CC, OR –Boise State, ID –Institutional Effectiveness Associates (Consultants) –UNC, Internet Resources for HE Outcomes Assessment –University of Wisconsin, Madison –Eastern New Mexico University –Southern Illinois University
General Education Outcomes 4 General Education Outcomes retreat 4 Approval by Division Council 4 Approval by staff 4 Inclusion in new catalog
Program Outcomes 4 Creation of cross-functional groups for division retreat 4 Cross-functional groups generate outcomes for degree and certificate programs 4 Program outcomes edited by Outcomes Assessment Team member 4 Future plans
Professional Development 4 NEASC Workshops 4 AAHE Assessment Conference 4 Multiple Intelligences, Professor Robert Sternberg 4 Creation of Assessment Library
Summary of Progress to Date 4 Inventory of existing assessment 4 Assessment web-page development 4 Outcomes at course level 4 General education outcomes 4 Outcomes at program level 4 Professional development
Next Steps 4 Create manual to develop Model Outcomes Assessment Plan for CCTC’s –Chapter layout –Task division –Task completion –Final editing of manual