SSA Heads Meeting Consumer Mobility Operation Haryana Circle
Pending Performance Certificate & Penalty details EquipmentVendorPerformance Certificate Pending Penalty details pending Remarks 28.5K BTSM/S ICOMM AB,FBD, HSR,RWR, RTK RWR,RTK Delay in the process of settlement of payment/ penalty issue of AMC completed (AMC Period 22/6/06- 21/6/09)
Detailed status of pending half yearly performance certificates of AMCs in Progress as updated on 16/02/2010 is given here:-
374 CDMA WLL Numbers directly created on HLR about the creation of 374 CDMA WLL Numbers on HLR but not in Billing was received on 23 Oct, 09 from Nodal Centre, Chandigarh. Till date only 233 CDMA WLL Numbers have been provisioned.
The Count of pending CDMA WLL Numbers which are still to be provisioned corresponding to the respective SSAs are as given below:- SSA Count of Pending Numbers Ambala 96 Hissar 10 Rohtak 15 Karnal 10 Rewari 1 Sonepat 5 Jind 4 Total 141
HR CDMA Reconciliation regarding the Reconciliation of HR CDMA WLL Numbers was received on 7 Jan, 2010 from Nodal Centre, Chandigarh. According to the Reconciliation:- – Total BP Dump = – Total HLR Dump = – CDMA WLL Numbers in HLR but not in BP= 3690 – CDMA WLL Numbers in BP but not in HLR= 1398 – ESN Mismatch= 973
Action to be taken by all the concerned MSC/BSC/CCN Incharges as per given instructions is as follows:- – ESN mismatch:- Incorrect ESNs in BP should be corrected according to the ESNs in HLR. – CDMA WLL Numbers In BP, but not in HLR:- Numbers entered in BP should either be created or deleted from HLR. – CDMA WLL Numbers In HLR, but not in BP:- CCN incharges have to acquire the information (i.e. plan, address and Date of Activation) of these numbers and then update the same in CCN so that Billing of these numbers can be done.
The Count of CDMA WLL Numbers which are still to provisioned corresponding to the respective SSAs are as given below :- SSA ESN MismatchIn BP, but not in HLR IN HLR, but not in BP Total from NC Current Status (pending) Total from NC Current Status (pending) Total from NC Current Status (pending) Karnal Gurgaon Rohtak Sonepat Faridabad Ambala Jind Hissar Rewari Total
STATUS OF RECHARGED CDMA NO'S CONVERTED FROM DNP POSTPAID TO LIFETIME PREPAID S.NOSSA TOTALRecharged 1 Hissar Rewari Jind Ambala Faridabad Gurgaon Karnal Rohtak Sonepat17010 Total
Verification of OYT Deposit of HR Circle regarding the Verification of OYT deposit of HR Circle was received on 23 Nov, 2009 from Nodal Centre, Chandigarh. It is required to arrange the OYT deposit detail (current deposit amount against each telephone number) so that OYT deposit installments can be adjusted in the forthcoming bills by Nodal Centre.
Compliance is pending from the following SSAs regarding the verification of OYT deposit detail:- S No.SSACount of NumbersStatus 2FARIDABAD4PENDING 3HISAR36PENDING 4JIND3PENDING 5KARNAL9PENDING 6REWARI25PENDING 7ROHTAK48PENDING TOTAL125
STATUS OF VPT Compliance pending from the following SSAs regarding 1154 CDMA VPTs which are to be converted from postpaid to prepaid as per instructions from BSNL HQ. S.No.SSA 1AMBALA 2FARIDABAD 3JIND 4REWARI 5 ROHTAK 6 SONEPAT 7 GURGAON