Where (and When)
Location - Physical Features Some features are relatively unchanging – mountains, etc Waterways change course Streams are dammed for mills Rivers are dammed For power, flood control Create lakes Flood previous areas
Location - Political Features States are admitted over time Counties Created Absorbed Have boundaries changed Towns/cities Created Have names changed Go away
What’s Needed Search engine to find old places geonames.usgs.gov/domestic/index.html Display location on different maps Maps – preserved from past alabamamaps.ua.edu/historicalmaps/ County boundaries for each census
Location-Based Genealogy USGenWeb Contains state websites Alabama Which contain county websites All volunteer Every county has different look, content, etc Can be valuable resource
Land Ownership Bureau of Land Management Land Patent and Survey Eastern Public Land States Issued between 1820 and 1908 Current land ownership By county publicrecords.netronline.com
How do I find it ? Then go to Downloadable County D.O.T. Maps Select state, then county Find Township, Range, Section Or Go to Convert Township, Range, and Section to Latitude and Longitude Get latitude and longitude View on Google Earth
Township, Range and Section
Townships and Ranges
Example - Auburn University St Stephens Meridian T19N, R26E SW ¼ of Section 30 Go to Enter data View using Google Earth earth.google.com/download-earth.html