The End of the Empire Terms to Tackle Diocletian Attila Corruption Justinian Theodora Byzantine Empire
Problems with the Empire Rome ended up becoming too large to defend or run efficiently. Emperors were forced to give up territories. Germanic warriors attacked Rome from the North. Persians invaded from the East. Romans fought off attacks for 200 years.
Internal Issues in Rome Because Rome was being attacked on its borders, people who lived on the borders abandoned their farms and land. Romans invited people to come in and farm on the land that was left behind. Many of the people invited into Rome were the same people attacking Rome. Disease also swept through Rome. Rome was in TROUBLE. Taxes were raised to protect Rome.
The Empire Divides into Two The Romans needed HELP! It came in the form of a new emperor, Diocletian. Diocletian hired a partner emperor, Constantine, to rule the western part of the empire. Diocletian left power and left Constantine to rule everything!
The Empire Divides into Two Constantine decided to move the capital of Rome to a new city in the East. He created a city named Constantinople which he named after himself. It was still called the Roman Empire, but Rome was no longer the center of power.
Huns and Goths Many foreign tribes settled along the Roman borders. The Huns and the Goths devastated Rome with their attacks. Rome’s empire would never be the same. Attila the Hun was a leader who played an important role for the Huns. The final emperor fell in 476 AD. The Western Roman Empire had ended.
Why Did Western Rome Collapse??? Rome collapsed for the following reasons: It was too big. Communication was impossible. Corruption, or the decay of values, was everywhere. Wealthy landowners built their own armies and attacked emperors. Schools closed Taxes rose. Romans were poorer than ever.
Eastern Rome Still Stands! Eastern Rome was still growing in wealth and power. An emperor named Justinian had the passion of bettering Rome, which he did. He created a new legal system he called Justinian’s Code. His new code removed any unchristian laws. Justinian’s wife, Theodora, helped helped him make many decisions. When Justinian died, Eastern Rome fell.
Byzantine Empire Before falling, a new society formed in Eastern Rome. This society, the Byzantine Empire, thought Christianity to be VERY important. They began to interpret Christianity differently than the Western Romans. The Orthodox Church was formed. Since Eastern and Western Rome interpreted Christianity differently, Rome was divided by religion.
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