feudal system dominated Europe Serfs paid tribute to lords in exchange for protection C13th onwards, rental agreements replaced feudalism Black Death ( ) greatly reduced number of workers
Nobles gave land in exchange for workers Nobles gave land in exchange for workers Workers became landholders Workers became landholders Return of population caused wages to fall Return of population caused wages to fall Workers lost their land Workers lost their land
Population Change
C16th dramatic pop. increase in Europe Before that time, epidemics and war had caused pop. to fall Crop failure caused diseases (plague, smallpox, diphtheria etc.) to spread quickly War led to deaths, major disruptions to crops and plundering War was nearly constant at some points
In 1600, 75% of Europeans lived on farms Farming not very productive Great deal of uncertainty in daily life (disease, war, taxes to pay, robbery) Great deal of uncertainty in daily life (disease, war, taxes to pay, robbery) Pop. growth caused people to move to less productive lands Pop. growth caused people to move to less productive lands Men, women & children forced to work for extra earnings
Poverty led to widespread deforestation Towns saw growth of merchant class Guild shops slowly replaced by capitalist workshops Urban poor became a growing problem Slavery widespread Overall, a time of economic growth Wealth concentrated in the hands of rich
Europe very patriarchal for long time Europe very patriarchal for long time C16th century, role of women started to be limited C16th century, role of women started to be limited Until C15th, women allowed in guilds Job competition caused women to be excluded Women not allowed in universities Women lacked money need to enter trade Worked in hospitals, orphanages, as midwives and servants
By C17th, growth of “divine right” of kings caused centralization of power By C17th, growth of “divine right” of kings caused centralization of power Led to powerful monarchs and nation- states Led to powerful monarchs and nation- states Helped trade Helped trade Monarchs and nobles sponsored voyages of trade and exploration Monarchs and nobles sponsored voyages of trade and exploration
Middle Ages, Roman Catholic Church dominated Europe Middle Ages, Roman Catholic Church dominated Europe Church collected a lot of money Church collected a lot of money Sometimes fought with monarchs Sometimes fought with monarchs C16th reaction against the Church C16th reaction against the Church Protestant Reformation reaction to perceived flaws in Church Protestant Reformation reaction to perceived flaws in Church Led to intolerance & major wars Led to intolerance & major wars Strong missionary movements Strong missionary movements (Jesuits, Ursulines)
Renaissance had started intellectual revolution Arts, writing, science experienced unprecedented creativity Time of inventions Military and commerce pushed on invention Improvements to ship building and navigation (caravel ships & mariner's astrolabe, quadrant)
Improvements in technology, arts, inventions and thoughts drove a push to explore. Each Empire wanted to expand their reach resulting in great money spent on exploration and navigation. The Great Empires (Spain, Portugal, England, France) looked for new routes to the Orient in search of bigger wealth (tea, gold etc) and adopted “Mercantilism” (Gaining Colonies for the good of the Mother Country) This lead to the Age of Exploration and Discovery of the Americas = First Contact with Aboriginals