Rockridge Secondary Gr. 11 & 12 Course Planning 2009 Parent Information Night
Opening Comments Welcome Purpose of the evening Introductions
Counsellors A – HKel McDowell I – RSue Maquignaz S- Z plus International Students Emily Chen Youth Worker Linda Harrison#2705
Administrators Marne Owen – Principal Steve Rauh – Vice Principal Phil Pereira – Vice Principal
The Graduation Program Highlights Impacts all Grade 8, 9, 10 & 11 Students Grade 10 courses will count for credits towards graduation – be part of a Graduation Transcript Students will be required to write five provincial exams in: English 10 – (20%) Science 10 – (20%) Mathematics 10 – (20%) Social Studies 11 – (20%) English/Communications 12 (40%) Graduation Transition requirement
Graduation Requirements Grade credits required for Graduation 48 credits are Required Courses 4 Credits – Grad Transition Assessment 28 credits are Elective Courses Minimum 16 cr. “Gr. 12” including En12/Com12
Required Courses Grade required: Language Arts 10 (4 credits) Language Arts 11 (4 credits) Language Arts 12 (4 credits) Social Studies 10 (4 credits) Social Studies 11/ Canadian Civics 11 (4 credits) Science 10 (4 credits) Science 11 or 12 (4 credits) Mathematics 10 (4 credits) Mathematics 11 or 12 (4 credits) Physical Education 10 (4 credits) Fine Arts or Applied Skills 10, 11 or 12 (4 credits) Planning 10 (4 credits) Graduation Transition (4 credits)
Grade 11 Overview 2-Year Plan & Beyond Post-secondary considerations Core Graduation requirements –English 11 or Communications 11 –Social Studies or Civic Studies 11* –a Science 11 –a Math 11 –Fine Arts or Applied Skills 10,11, or 12 –2 nd Language? –# Academics/Provincial Exam courses
BC University Requirements Eng 11 and 12 Principles Math 11 Fr 11 or approved 2 nd Lang.* 1 – Sc. 11 (Bi, Ch, Ph, ESc) Min. 3 Academic Gr. 12 courses* Faculty-specific requirements Provincial exams (UBC, SFU) Additional criteria for limited entry programs – auditions, portfolios, school, community/youth involvement, key courses and/or marks
Academic Courses Math Any science Geography History Any language English Lit Comp. Civilizations * in some cases Calculus * in some cases
BC College Requirements En 12* (some exceptions) E.g. Kwantlen College – open registration (COM 12) Additional course requirements - vary by college & program Math 11 reqmt. varies by program* GPA – less competitive Additional criteria for limited entry programs – portfolios, interview, testing, community/ youth involvement, key courses and/or marks
University Transfer Student spends 2 years at College, takes university level courses towards an Associate Degree transfers to any university into 3 rd year Requirements: English 12 plus 3 academic courses (no language requirement)
Academic Tutorial An opportunity to receive extra help from peer tutors, supervising teacher, or to work alone Only work habits assigned, no credits
West Vancouver On-Line Blend of on-line and in-person Available to grade 10’s as 9 th course or in special cases Available to grade 11 and 12 students as an enrolling course (for honours and scholarship requirement) Courses offered: Planning 10, PE 10, Entrepreneurship 10, Media & Tech 11, Olympic Learning, Science & Tech, Socials 11, Fashion & Design 12, Leadership 12 and Social Justice 12
Course Load 8 courses required in Grade 11, which may include one Academic Tutorial block, or WV On-line course 8 courses required in grade 12, which includes Grad Transitions, and may include an Academic Tutorial or WV On- line course (or both) Honour Roll is calculated on students’ best 6 credit courses in gr. 11 and 12 Less than 6 credit courses in grade 12 jeopardizes Honour Roll and Internal Scholarship eligibility
Sample gr. 12 timetable A English 12 BMath 12 CChem 12 D History 12 E Bio 12 F Foods 12 GElectives/Academic Tutorial/On-Line HElectives/Acad. Tut/On-Line/Study IGrad Transitions (work will be done in the study block or outside the timetable)
New Courses Studio Arts: Ceramics 11 Entrepreneurship 12 (open to 11’s) Family Studies 11 Choral Music 11 Tourism 12 Advanced Video Production 12 Girls Fitness 11
Graduation Transitions 30 hours of work exposure, paid or unpaid, (from summer after gr. 10) 150 minutes of physical activity (both gr. 11 & 12) Transition Plan – outlines post- secondary plans Exit Interview 4 credits, mandatory Requirements can be: exceeded, met, or not met
Career/Work Experience Work Experience 12A/12B (4 cr. each) –Opportunity to spend up to 240 hrs. exploring a potential career path – gaining hands-on field experience Secondary School Apprenticeship –Jump start access to a career in the trades –Opportunity to begin working towards 1 st Year Apprenticeship while still in high school – 480 hrs. paid work experience (16 cr.) & $1000 SSA Scholarship*
External Credits Learning outside of BC school system Drivers Ed., Bronze Cross and NLS (2 credits) Royal Academy of Dance, grade 6 Royal Conservatory and above, Provincial teams, (4 credits)
AP at Rockridge In each of English, Science, Math, Studio Art and French Grade 10 - select an Enrichment course. Grade 11- select a Pre - AP course. Grade 12 - select the AP course and write the AP exam.
Admission to Enriched/AP Courses: Combination of Factors: –Academic Performance –Work Habits –Teacher &/or Departmental recommendation –Prerequisite enriched course
Course Request Deadline Feb. 28th th is the final day for any course requests, to be guaranteed your requests Confirmations will be sent home Course change deadline is Sept. 15 th ! (pending availability)
Questions / Discussion
Thank You!