Outline MissionRequirements Program overview Roles and Responsibilities 2007 review 2008 Plan/Goals
Mission Assist federal, state, county, and local government and law enforcement agencies involved in the fight to eliminate illicit drug use, production and sale in the U.S., its territories and possessions.
Requirments To Participate ES qualified and current Senior member, at least 21 years old At least 2 years membership in CAP Successfully complete Online CD Orientation Submit CPF 83 (back ground check). Expect this background check to take months. Expect this background check to take months.
Individual CAP CD Participant Responsibilities Maintain proficiency in ES specialty area Provide information concerning qualifications, availability, readiness to unit commander Maintain individual equipment readiness and availability to support operations Report any significant, unusual occurrences during missions to CMD and CDO Report hours of participation to CDO/CDD NLT 20 October each year
Posse Comitatus Whoever, except in cases and under circumstances expressly authorized by the Constitution or Act of Congress, willfully uses any part of the Army or the Air Force as a posse comitatus or otherwise to execute the laws shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than two years, or both. Posse Comitatus (Latin): Power of the country, Enacted in 1878, the Posse Comitatus Act was expressly intended to prevent United States Marshals, on their own initiative, from calling on the Army for assistance in enforcing federal law. United States MarshalsUnited States Marshals
Subpoenas and Requests for Information Notify CDD/CDO Notify NHQ General Counsel (888)
CD Currency Requirements Minimum of 20 hours participation Training courses Training courses Time devising scenarios/training Time devising scenarios/training All mission activity All mission activity Admin and communication support Admin and communication support Complete CAP National CD Refresher Training course once every 2 years Submit CAP Form 83 for re-screening every 4 years. Note; Primary CD missions will be conducted June to Sept, make sure you will not expire in that time frame. Reset your clock. NHWG CDO will periodically review member quals and notify them as necessary. It is the members responsibility to maintain quals. Note; Primary CD missions will be conducted June to Sept, make sure you will not expire in that time frame. Reset your clock. NHWG CDO will periodically review member quals and notify them as necessary. It is the members responsibility to maintain quals.
CD Suspension/Decertification Making false/misleading statement on CAPF 83 Failure to comply with CAP CD Mission Nondisclosure Agreement Compromising CD mission or law enforcement case At request of CD agency Violating/Compromising CAP, FAR, or supporting law enforcement agency regulation or policy
Authorized Missions Marijuana eradication support Airborne reconnaissance Marine reconnaissance Airport reconnaissance Airfield photography Airfield video/digital photography and imagery Radar evaluation Aerial familiarization for law enforcement agents Drug Demand Reduction Transportation
Mission Execution Agency Initiates Request to CDO/NOC. CDO contacts; NOC, National Operations Center NOC, National Operations Center DEA, Drug Enforcement Agency DEA, Drug Enforcement Agency CDMD, Counter Drug Mission Coordinator. CDMD, Counter Drug Mission Coordinator. Contacts the aircrew including LLEA/DEA Contacts the aircrew including LLEA/DEA CAP F 84 mission brief and reporting CAP F 84 mission brief and reporting
Civil Air Patrol Counterdrug Mission Nondisclosure I understand that unauthorized disclosure of information I may acquire as a Civil Air Patrol counterdrug mission crew member could place human life in jeopardy, or result in the denial of “due process” to a person or persons who are targets of investigations, or prevent the above listed.
Media Response Card This is a Civil Air Patrol flight crew performing an Air Force-assigned mission. They are not authorized to discuss operational details of the mission. If you need to know additional information concerning this mission please call HQ CAP/XPC at (334)
Been Communicated with; DEA / NH-NG / NH- SP / NOC routinely. 2.Partnered with VT-NG for Pilot training. 3.Actual Missions flown- 0, 1. 2 planned missions scrubbed due to DEA coordination issues. 4.Training Missions- 3 Training missions scrubbed due to aircraft availability. 2. Less than effective, not training to the correct tasks.
ARE-March Completed first CD training. Conducted by VTNG/NHNG. Date conducted; March 6, members.
Going 2008 Season June-October Phase 2 of comprehensive spotter training, VT NG ride along. Air crew training sorties Starting June. Two man crews. Need room for LLEA. Continued coordination with DEA, and NHNG CD organizations. Exploring Support for Town/County/State CD organizations.
The End