TVET Colleges Strategic, Annual Performance & Operational Planning Process Free State and North West TVET Colleges 23 & 24 June 2015
Presentation Outline 2 Purpose DHET Strategic Priorities 2014/15 APP Challenges TVET Colleges’ Priorities Enrolments Planning process
Purpose 3 Ensure that the strategic objectives of government, DHET, TVET colleges are aligned – achievement of set goals. Planning process aimed at ensuring that an integrated planning process is conducted across TVET colleges. Ensure the establishment of a structure & interrelationships amongst planning, monitoring and reporting processes. Planning process aims to assist colleges to complete their Strategic, Annual Performance and Operational Plans. Planning process of colleges mirrored against that of DHET – taking into consideration relevant legislation and policies.
DHET 4 Vision: Leading Post-School Education and Training for growth. Mission: To provide national strategic leadership in support of an integrated Post-School Education and Training system towards improved quality of life of South African Citizenry. Values: Integrity, Accountable, Committed, Responsive, Proactive, Continuous learning, Rational, Team work, Emotional intelligence. DHET responsible for Outcome 5 of the Medium Term Strategic Framework’s 14 priority Outcomes as identified in the National Development Plan: “A skilled and capable workforce to support an inclusive growth path”
To substantially expand access (& improve success) to education and training for youth and adults, regardless of whether they have completed school or not To improve the alignment between universities, TVET colleges, Sector Education and Training Authorities (SETAs), South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) and quality councils in an effort to improve student and learner mobility across institutions and qualifications To expand the availability of opportunities for workplace training for students in colleges and universities and to expand other forms of workplace training such as learnerships and apprenticeships Focus Areas in the Next Five Years 5
To ensure that our Post-School Education and Training system prioritises funding of the marginalised, enabling them to access post-school institutions and fulfill dreams of careers thought to be unrealisable. To diversify provision based on open learning principles to improve learning opportunities across the Post-School Education and Training sector by expanding and strengthening the post-school distance education landscape. To integrate disability into the broader policy arena by introducing a nation policy to guide education and training institutions in the post-school domain. To integrate Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) into the post-school education and training system. Focus Areas in the Next Five Years 6
TVET Colleges’ Strategic & Priority Areas
Challenges … related to 2014/15 APP 8 DHET reports to Parliament on APP targets. All 2014 Annual Performance Targets not met o Headcount enrolments – target was 800,000 o Certification rates at exit levels (NCV & Report 191). o NC(V) Maths & Maths Literacy pass rates. o Certification rates for bursary recipients.
Challenges … related to 2014/15 APP 9 TargetAchieved NC(V) Level 457%34,4% N1-N350%59,5% N650%42,7% Mathematics L252%47,2% Mathematics L346%46,4% Mathematics L456%35% Maths Literacy L272%70,5% Maths Literacy L382%82,4% Maths Literacy L487%78,7%
Colleges’ Strategic Goals 10 Provision of PSET by increasing quality and success in terms of academic achievements of students. Provision of PSET capacity, by having adequate infrastructure & systems in place to increase access & provide effective services to students. To develop partnerships & maintain stakeholder relations in support of increasing number of students who are adequately prepared for the labour market and/or further & higher education. To ensure continuous business excellence, good corporate governance, resource management (human resource, infrastructure, facilities etc) and information management and credible data reporting.
TVET Colleges’ Priorities 11 Improved governance and strengthened management. Improved quality of teaching & learning. Sound financial management systems, including standardised policies across colleges. Guidelines for standardised implementation of Occupational Programmes Implementation of policy directives for TVET College Information Management and reporting. Credible, accurate and reliable student data information management. o Unit record system to be implemented from Implementation of the process of verification of student enrolments.
TVET Colleges’ Priorities 12 Secondment of sector specialists to work in TVET Colleges and lecturers exposed to the work place. Artisan development. Annual teaching and learning plans developed, implemented, supported & monitored. Annual student support services plans developed, implemented, supported & monitored. Monitoring and Evaluation Framework implemented and reported on. Colleges to identify “flagship programmes”. Differentiation. Student academic support programmes. SRC leadership development programmes – college responsibility. Student wellness programmes.
Expected Outcomes – Sub-outcome 2 of Outcome 5 13 Outcome IndicatorTarget (2019/20) Headcount enrolments in TVET Colleges1,238,000 Certification ratesNC(V) = 65% N3 = 65% N6 = 65% Certificates issued to qualifying candidatesWithin 3 months Colleges examination centres complying with national policy100% Colleges throughput rateBaseline benchmark Students accommodated in collegesBaseline benchmark
Expected Outcomes – Sub-outcome 2 of Outcome 5 14 Outcome IndicatorTarget (2019/20) Students obtaining financial assistance1,000,000 (Cumulative 2015/ /20) NC(V) Level 4 students qualifying within stipulated time-frame60% Colleges compliant to governance standards100% College lecturers undergoing specified hours of work in their industry for specified periods every two years 30% College students enrolled in foundation programmes5000 (annually) Success rate in foundation programmes50%
TVET Colleges, Headcount Enrolments - National 15
2014 TVET Colleges, Headcount Enrolments - National 16
2014 TVET Colleges, Headcount Enrolments - National 17
2014 TVET Colleges, Headcount Enrolments - Provincial 18
2014 TVET Colleges, Headcount Enrolments 19
TVET Colleges’ Planning Process 20 Clear & relevant objectives, targets, outputs. APP linked to budget process (to ensure that plans and budgets are properly linked). APP should reflect the outer two years, including approved budget structure & approved core programme performance indicators. Meeting of timeframes & clear areas of accountability. Transparent business processes – supporting core business of the college. Timely approval of the Strategic & Annual Performance Plans – Minster approves. NB: Recording of first time entrants in TVET Colleges
College Planning Committee 21 Consists of college council, principal, deputy principals, CFO, campus managers and where possible HoDs. Coordination lead by the principal. Coordinate, lead and drive the planning process. Ensure that the planning milestones and timelines are met. Inform & influence the constituent engagement process. Make key decisions regarding activities (e.g. meetings with constituents, communication etc.) Drive planning process communication and transparency.
College’s Strategic Plan links to the following plans: 22 National Development Plan Vision 2030 DHET Strategic Plan (2015/16 – 2019/20) DHET Annual Performance Plans HRDCSA Plan Colleges' Annual Performance Plan College’s Operational Plan College’s HRD Plan College’s Teaching & Learning Plan College’s SSS Plan ALL RELATED LEGISLATIVE AND POLICY DOCUMENTS
Time-Frames 23 Colleges Strategic Plans: 2016 – 2019 academic years. Strategic plans can be revised within the permissible time-frames. Strategic Planning process aligned to the Medium Term Strategic Framework Cycle. (New Strategic Plans during the first budget cycle following a national general election) Planning Information Sessions June Capturing on the ASSET system, available from 1 July Subject to approval of the ASSET system. First draft of Plans due (to DHET) by 31 August Final draft of College Plans due to (DHET) by 31 September 2015.
Support 24 DHET Officials – National and Regional. Source documents. Planning templates will be provided o Strategic Plan o Annual Performance Plan o Operational Plan ASSET system. TVET Colleges.
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