Regional Network for Agricultural Biotechnology in the Near East & North Africa Presented by I. Hamdan Cairo – Egypt, December 15-16, 2007.


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Presentation transcript:

Regional Network for Agricultural Biotechnology in the Near East & North Africa Presented by I. Hamdan Cairo – Egypt, December 15-16, 2007

AARINENA MISSION  To contribute to the enhancement of agricultural and rural development in the WANA region through fostering agricultural research and technology development.  To promote the exchange of scientific and technical experience and information.  To strengthen collaboration within and outside the region to achieve greater degree of self-sufficiency in food and agriculture.

Regional & Inter-Regional Networks Technical cooperation networks have become a generic model for the establishment of functional mechanisms for collaboration and enhancement of communication and exchange of experiences among different countries in the region and other regions. Networks were found to reduce duplicative efforts among national institutions in several countries and to provide a cost-effective instrument for information exchange and institution building. When the resources are limited, networks become more effective means for the optimal utilization of indigenous expertise and available resources.

AARINENA Regional/Inter-Regional Networks AARINENA has established 5 Regional Networks in collaboration with GFAR, FAO and ICARDA: 1-Date-Palm Global Network (DPGN), 2-Inter-Regional Cotton Network, 3-Regional Olive Network, 4- Regional Medicinal & Aromatic Plants and 5-Water Use Efficiency Network

Geographical Distribution of AARINENA Networks Tunisia Olive Network Jordan Medicinal & Aromatic Plants UAE Date Palm Global Network Iran Int. Reg. Cotton Network N.A. (Maghreb) Sub-Region Mashreq Sub-Region Arabian Peninsula Sub-Region Wes Asia Sub-Region Morocco WUE

Proposed Regional Network for Agricultural Biotechnology in the WANA Region AARINENA Executive Committee and cosponsors recommended the establishment of agricultural biotechnology network in the WANA Region; upon recommendations from AARINENA General Conferences.  Description of the proposed Regional Network The network will be established as a partnership among all the different bodies and stakeholders in each of the participating member countries that are involved in Research & Development in agricultural biotechnology.

 Objectives of the Network The long term objectives of the network are to mobilize the collective efforts of Countries in the Region for Agricultural Biotechnology application. These objectives could be achieved through:  Creating awareness at various policymaking and technical levels within member countries.  Promoting cooperation in the biosaftey regulations and in the collection, conservation and propagation.  Facilitate exchange of information through the development of an information system.

Objectives Continue  Allow joint programs to be developed for the exchange of experiences and expertise and organization of training courses, workshops and conferences.  Develop common technical standards and biosaftey regulations as part of an overall quality control system.  Contribute to the formulation of national networks in each country to strengthen collaboration among national institutions, non-governmental organizations, private sector and universities.

“Proposed Regional Agricultural Biotechnology Network” Coordinating Board APAARIFARA Secretariat F FFF F F F Country Level 1 WG-3: Bio-safety & Intellec. Property Rights WG-2: Proteomics, Gene Expressionn & Regulation 2 3 WG-1: Genomics & mol. marker application NGOs Research Institutions Universitie s Privat e Sector F Focal Point

Composition of the Network 1-Coordinating Board The Coordinating Board includes members from each of the participating countries that may represent institutions identified as the focal points. Board representatives may be selected from the NGOs, Private Sector, Research Institutions (Governmental and non- governmental) and universities. The chairmanship will rotate every year among member nations, by election during the previous year. The Coordinating Board may form Technical Advisory Committees and ad-hoc committees to study and follow up on certain technical matters and specific tasks, or attend to some specific issues.

Functions of the Coordinating Board Review and approval of the annual budget as well as the work programs of the technical working groups Fund raising from private donors, funding agencies and international organizations for the strengthening of the network activities. Facilitation of communication among the different focal points and working groups and the Regional Network.. Decision on policy matters including introduction of new member countries and establishment of new working groups or changes in the existing ones. Promotion of technology to the users in member countries.

2-Network Secretariat The Network will be coordinated by a Secretariat entity. The secretariat will carry out the functions of the Network. The host country shall provide all necessary facilities and operational logistics at the focal institution to enable the secretariat to implement the work plan of the network.

Secretariat Functions The Secretary, will be responsible to the Chairman of the Coordinating Board on the following functions :  Providing AARINENA web page with a comprehensive database and an overall marketing and promotional web program.  Providing AARINENA News Letter with updated information on a regular basis for enhancement of dissemination of information and preparation of a biannual report highlighting the different activities and achievements..  Preparation and follow ‑ up of work programs (research, training, workshops, conferences, etc) and budgets approved by the Coordinating Board.  Will be responsible for administration of the Network, including the preparation of the annual budget in co-ordination with the working groups.

3-Network Focal points  Institutions, identified as focal points in member countries, may be either universities, research institutions, NGOs and Private Sector.  Focal Points will be the linkage among other institutions, NGOs, private industry and all stakeholders in the country as well as the Regional Network.  Advice government agencies on matters related to policy, programs and coordinated activities for the development of Ag biotechnology.  The focal points constitute the Network Board and it elect the chairman in its annual meeting.

4-Technical Working Groups  The working groups are located in the centers of excellence institutions in the region and will be selected by you in the next session to enhance and coordinate technical collaboration among relevant member institutions.  For the optimal utilization of the limited resources available, the Working Groups in the network will prioritize, streamline and focus on the problems in each of the areas identified as priority areas.  The suggested technical working groups (WG) as follows: WG1 = Genomics, and molecular marker application WG2 =Proteomics, Gene Expression and regulation, and plant transformation WG3=Bio-safety and Intellectual Property Rights

CONCLUSION  Over the years, AARINENA has supported National Agricultural Research systems (NARS) in the region in capacity building through training programs, organizing technical and Scientific workshops and conferences, and establishing Regional Information and Communication System through active support and active participation of GFAR, ICARDA and FAO.  AARINENA has also contributed in establishing networks for essential crops in the region such as Date Palm, Cotton, Olive and Medicinal & Aromatic plants, and WUE Network.  AARINENA acted as a facilitator in bringing the views, aspirations and research priorities of the WANA region to the attention of the relevant international organizations with the aim of promotion of sustainable agricultural development.