Exceptional Student Education Students with Disabilities, 504, and Gifted
Approximately 6% of ESE are instructed through modified standards (Access Points – 7000 courses) 94% of ESE are instructed through the NGSSS/Common Core (general education CORE courses) 71% of ESE students are instructed in the general education setting* 14% of the students are ESE* *2012 LEA Profile
The student with special education needs is thought of as a general education student first— 1&TEMPLATE=/CM/ContentDisplay.cfm&CONTENTID=1526 9
The School District of Palm Beach County The student with special education needs is thought of as a general education student first— &TEMPLATE=/CM/ContentDisplay.cfm&CONTENTID=15269 High Expectation for SWD Presumed Competence People First Language
Building Capacity and continuous support for new teachers.
Disability Awareness Instructional Strategies UDL, Assistive & Instructional Technologies Behavior Support Gifted, 504, IEP compliance
ESE Contact* Area Resources ESE Resource Teacher (ART) Area ESE Coordinator (Team Leader) District Resources District Resource Teacher District Program Planner Specialist Manager ESE Director *always initiate contact with school based administration Where to Turn
The Vision – One System! Standards-Based Instruction Multi- Tiered System of Supports Professional Learning Communities Lesson Study Professional Development and Evaluation System A system in which instruction and learning is based upon common standards, sound research, collaboration, problem solving driven by multiple sources of student data, and culminating in increased student achievement. 10