2 Context: regional cooperation with Asia Legal basis: ALA Regulation 443/92 25 Feb 1992: - Regional co-operation as a priority area Commission Communications: –Towards a New Strategy for Asia (1994) –Europe and Asia: A Strategic Framework for Enhanced Partnerships (2001) Commission Strategy Paper and Indicative Programme for multi-country programmes in Asia One of three “Asia-wide” programmes: – Asia-Link (higher education partnerships) – Asia-Invest (business and investment partnerships) – Asia Pro Eco (sustainable development partnerships) 4 Asia-wide programmes
3 Asia-wide programmes: Eligible countries (Asia) Afghanistan Bangladesh Bhutan Cambodia China (excl. H-K + Macau) East Timor India Indonesia Laos Malaysia Maldives Mongolia Nepal North Korea Institutions and organisations from Brunei, Hong Kong, Macau, and Singapore can participate in all project activities as associates, provided that they do not benefit from Commission funding Least Developed Countries are underlined 3 Pakistan Philippines Sri Lanka Thailand Vietnam
4 Asia-Link Programme Main Objective Promotion of regional and multilateral networking between higher education institutions (HEIs) in European Union Member States and developing countries in Asia 4
5 Asia-Link Programme Components Partnership Projects (Calls for Proposals) Projects cover one or more of the following areas: –Human Resource Development –Curriculum Development –Institutions & Systems Development Capacity-building Actions (FWC) Seminars/Workshops to train higher education institutions in project management and design Programme Support Activities Stakeholders’ meetings (FWC) Networking of beneficiaries (FWC) Studies/analyses (FWC) Information and promotion (in-house) European Higher Education Fairs (service contract) 5
6 Asia-Link Partnership Projects 6 Grant size and co-funding € € Maximum EU contribution: 75% of eligible cost 90% of eligible costs if all Asian partners from LDCs 100% if all Asian partners from tsumani-affected areas Minimum partnership 4 partners: At least two EU partners from different Member States PLUS at least two Asian partners Duration: 12 – 36 months Eligible institutions: Higher education institutions Networks of higher education institutions Regional higher education institutions
7 Asia-Link Partnership Projects: Facts and figures 1 7 To date (2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Calls) 156 projects selected involving 710 institutions € 53.0 million co-funding 984 applications received, involving 4590 institutions
8 Partnership projects: typical activities 8 Human resource development activities To upgrade the skills of university teaching staff and administrators: short teaching/training missions in Europe/Asia short intensive overseas programmes study/research abroad at PhD/Master’s level internships
9 Partnership projects: typical activities 9 Curriculum development activities To develop curricula, produce new/improved courses, modules or materials: employment-related multidisciplinary curricula courses based on common or co-ordinated modules at different institutions modules/courses with a regional dimension curricula integrating aspects of university- industry relations open and distance learning
10 Partnership projects: typical activities 10 Institutions and Systems Development To enhance overall management of higher education institutions: joint seminars/workshops on internal & external management training of senior university officials or international officers review of whole institutions, administrative or academic units, curricula, procedures, etc pilot initiatives centred on credit transfer, quality standards and degree recognition
11 Asia-Link Partnership Projects: Facts and figures 2
12 Asia-Link Partnership Projects: Facts and figures 3
13 Asia-Link Partnership Projects: Facts and figures 4
14 Asia-Link Programme Future perspectives 2006: 5th Call for Proposals 2007 onwards: depends on: new Regional Strategy Paper 2007 onwards new EU Financial Perspectives 14
15 Erasmus Mundus (1) The programme –Action 1: 35 EM Masters Courses –Action 2: Scholarships for 3rd country students –Action 3: Partnerships with 3rd country HEIs –Action 4: Enhancing attractiveness EU HEIs 5 “Asia Windows” for additional scholarships for Asians –India (33 MEUR) –China (9 MEUR plus 20 MEUR for 2006) –Thailand (3.2 MEUR) –Malaysia (2.1 MEUR) –other Asian ALA countries (10 MEUR) Action 2 scholarships: 455 for Erasmus Mundus world-wide (including Asia) 455 extra scholarships for Asia Erasmus Mundus
16 - Asia-Link Programme - Erasmus Mundus 16 For more information: