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Chapter 6 Test Review Essay Prompt Was the United States justified in entering the War of 1812? Be sure to discuss why the United States enters the war. Explain three reasons the United States joins the war.
Jefferson or Hamilton Jefferson's Presidency War of Foreign Affairs Bill of Rights
This Amendment protects a person's right against unreasonable searches and seizure.
Fourth Amendment
This Amendment protects a person's right to free speech and religion.
First Amendment
This Amendment prevents soldiers from invading and living in a person's home.
Third Amendment
This Amendment protects a person's right to bear arms (own guns).
Second Amendment
This Amendment bars cruel and unusual punishment.
Eighth Amendment
He was the leader of the Democratic Republican party.
Thomas Jefferson
He was supported by bankers, merchants, and the wealthy classes.
Alexander Hamilton
He was a leader of the Federalist party.
Alexander Hamilton
He was supported by farmers and the working class.
Thomas Jefferson
He favored a loose interpretation of the Constitution, in an effort to expand the role of the Federal government.
Alexander Hamilton
In this scandal, the French government demanded a bribe from Americans before they could meet and negotiate.
XYZ Affair
With this treaty, the British agreed to leave their forts in the western United States.
Jay's Treaty
This battle, in which the U.S. Army defeated the Native Americans, led to John Jay's Treaty with England.
Battle of Fallen Timbers
This means to stay out of a conflict and not fight for either side.
After France prevented the U.N. From approving the Iraq War, some Americans changed the name French Fries to this.
Freedom Fries
In the Election of 1800, Jefferson tied with him.
Aaron Burr
Aaron Burr killed him in a pistol duel.
Alexander Hamilton
This Constitutional Amendment required Electors to vote once for President and once for Vice President.
12 th Amendment
With this agreement, Thomas Jefferson doubled the size of the United States.
Louisiana Purchase
Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton's duel happened here.
Weehawken, NJ.
The United States invaded this country during the War of 1812.
The British army invaded and burned this famous American city.
Washington, D.C.
This is the British practice of forcing American sailors to join the British Navy.
The Americans were allied with this European country in the War of 1812.
This treaty ended the War of 1812 between the United States and England.
Treaty of Ghent