GCPR Reference Terminology Model HL7 Vocabulary SIG September 29, 1999 Steven Brown MD, Ann Butman, Terry Clark MD, Lauren Gordon, George Huggins, Mike Lincoln MD, Douglas Mann, Anne Miles, Nancy Orvis
Presidential Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans’ Illnesses “… I am directing the Departments of Defense and Veterans Affairs to create a new Force Health Protection Program. Every soldier, sailor, airman and marine will have a comprehensive, life-long medical record of all illnesses and injuries they suffer, the care and inoculations they receive and their exposure to different hazards. These records will help us prevent illness and identify and cure those that occur…” President Clinton November 8, 1997
GCPR Vision zImprove public and individual health status by sharing clinical information
GCPR Goals zCreate a collaborative partnership to appropriately share clinical information via a comprehensive, lifelong electronic health record zWhere no standards exist, the partnership will seek to advance the development, establishment, and adherence to standards
GCPR Principles * zSupport the improvement of lifelong health and wellbeing by providing access to individual and population health information. zBase solutions on common information and medical terminology models * Two of ten
Government Modeling zGovernment Reference Modeling (GRM) Working Group yReference Terminology Model (RTM) Working Group yReference Information Model (RIM) Working Group
RTM WG Charge Establish methodologies capture concepts and surface forms
RTM WG Charge zCollaborate with Standard Development Organizations to adopt existing standard term sets
RTM WG Charge Where existing standards are incomplete, the RTM WG will collaborate with the SDOs to develop and submit GCPR term sets and models
RTM WG Charge zEstablish semantic relationships between concepts
RTM WG Charge zDelineate formal definitions
RTM Functionality zMediation, sharing, & reuse zAuthoring & maintenance zArchiving & retrieval zIndexing & knowledge org zNatural language processing zHuman-computer interaction High Medium Low
GCPR Terminology Domains zDemographics zLaboratory zProblems zMedications zAllergies & Immunizations zOut patient encounters zVital Signs zRadiology Results zPhysical Exam PoC Phase 2
Project Phases zProject Initiation Phase 1/98 to 2/99 zPhase I - Prototype 3/99 to 3/00 zPhase II - Pilot Testing 3/00 to 3/01 zPhase III - Phased Deployment 4/01...
GCPR Terminology 1st Cut Deliverables zDemographics zLaboratory zProblems zMedications zAllergies & Immunizations zPhysical Exam zOut patient encounters zVital Signs zRadiology Results Fall ‘99 Winter ‘00
RTM WG Approach zTactical - Short Term Model (STM) zStrategic - Reference Terminology Model (RTM)
RTM WG Approach zShort Term Model (STM) yMeet Production Requirements yAgency code sets yStandards as possible yGranularity limited to immediate need/capability
RTM WG Approach zRTM Planning Processes in Parallel yTools Evaluation yPilot Project yVocabulary Model Analysis yLong-Term Maintenance Process yAvenues for Collaboration
Discussion zSuggestions for Starting Points zAreas for Collaboration zAny Other Comments/Suggestions??