28object-oriented_programming% object-oriented_programming%29
1. Software is complex 2. Programmers have to make it look easy 3. Useful, real- world software has to: 1. Handle Change 2. Handle Complexity
w_complexity_leads_to_simplicity.html w_complexity_leads_to_simplicity.html
Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a standardized general-purpose modeling language in the field of software engineering. The standard is managed, and was created by, the Object Management Group. UML includes a set of graphic notation techniques to create visual models of software- intensive systems. Language Language
BankAccount name accountID balance getBalance( ) credit( double amount ) debit( double amount ) getName( ) A UML class diagram The methods = what it DOES The Class Name The attributes or state = what it KNOWS
The main purpose of a sequence diagram is to define event sequences that result in some desired outcome A sequence diagram shows the interaction between objects over the progression of time
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