Initiator & Approver Training PTA Manager
Welcome, Introductions & Agenda – 5 minutes Introduction– 5 minutes Learning Objectives (Common and Role Specific) – 5 minutes Benefits – 5 minutes Workflow & Roles– 5 minutes Demo – 20 minutes What you can Expect – 5 minutes Resources – 5 minutes Discussion Session and Q&A – 5 minutes Agenda
Introduction to PTA Manager
PTA Manager is an online tool that will automate the process of requesting, approving, and tracking new account requests. The ability to request a new account is based upon authority roles in Authority Manager. Use PTA Manager during the first release for non-sponsored accounts. Introduction
Related Terms SAMS was the project name used during development - but will be completely phased out as Phase 4 of the project is completed. Phase 2: Non Sponsored & Sponsored PTA Setup Phase 2: Non Sponsored & Sponsored PTA Setup Phase 4: Global Attributes / ePTA Maintenance Phase 4: Global Attributes / ePTA Maintenance SAMS/PTA Manager – Phased Development PTA Manager is the system which will automate the PTA creation process. It is integrated with Gift Transmittals when a new fund is required. Introduction
Initiators – Approvers - View Only New PTA? PTA Manager Gifts: Gift Transmittals Initiators - Approvers Initiators – Approvers - View Only New PTA? Non-Sponsored Awards Initiators – Preparers –Approvers - View Only Sponsored Awards: SeRA Initiators – Preparers - Approvers New or Amended PTA? Roles and Authority
At the end of this course, you will be able to: Specify the configuration requirements for your PTA request. Identify timing of s and respond to requests Differentiate a ‘Reassign’ from a ‘Terminate/ Cancel’ Describe the workflow for both initiators and approvers Indicate if an approver is or is not required Utilize the query function to find PTA requests Access related documentation Objectives – Initiator & Approver
Benefits include: Workflow Shorter Processing Time Transparency Accuracy Documentation Repository Benefits
Initiation Phase – Establishes Workflow 1.Receive request for new account 2. Complete PTA Request form 3. Assign Approvers (FYI, optional) PTA Initiator Workflow and Roles
Approval Phase PTA Approver PTA Approver 4.Review, Approve, Reassign request or Terminate / Cancel Workflow and Roles, Cont.
Account Setup Phase 5. Complete setup for approved requests Processed in Oracle 6. Baselined in Oracle Workflow and Roles, Cont.
Sneak Peak – Approval Tab
Roles and Responsibilities - Review PTA Initiator PTA Approver PTA FYI Initiation Phase Approval Phase Account Setup Phase Features and Efficiencies
Demos – Initiator and Approver
What you can expect: Non Sponsored PTA setup –April 23 rd Sponsored PTA setup – In process Web Support – PTA Manager Web Site Next Steps
PTA Manager Website
Discussion and QA
Thank you!