ELEMENTS OF ART Line, Shape & Form, Color, Value, Texture, Space
SPACE The emptiness or area around, between, above, below, or within shapes. The three-dimensionality of sculpture & architecture.
POSITIVE & NEGATIVE SPACE Positive space is the object or structure Negative space is the area surrounding the object or structure
PICTURE PLANE The flat surface on which an artist works
COMPOSITION The way the Elements and Principles are organized.
ILLUSION OF DEPTH ILLUSION OF DEPTH Nonlinear Methods Position Overlapping Size Variation Atmospheric Perspective Color Value
Position- place an object higher on the page the to make it seem farther away.
Overlapping- Place one shape on top of another to produce a feeling of depth
Size Variation- smaller objects will seem farther away than larger ones
Atmospheric Perspective- Diminishing color, value, and intensity to give the illusion of distance
Color- Brighter more intense colors appear to move forward
Value- Lighter values tend to recede behind darker ones
PERSPECTIVE Perspective-The method of depicting three-dimensional space on a two-dimensional surface Linear Perspective- When artists use lines to create depth
Vanishing point Horizon line