Personal point of view Common knowledge: music-related physics Not only physicist but also Musician--8-9 Physics of sound review of class material Music instrument with physics(with video) Music can inspired Physics Conclusion
Most people would regard music and physics as two totally different category. In fact, some people would have this kind of stereotype that physicists don’t care about music. I decided to dig into this topic because I want to know more of the relationship between music and physics besides the basic knowledge in class, and I actually learned a lot through this process.
Vibration : Vibration is the source of all sound. Vibrating objects push against the air (or other medium- you can substitute water, jello, or whatever) around them, creating little zones of compressed air (or water, or jello). Sound waves : sound waves are compression waves.
Frequency and pitch : Sound waves have a frequency, which is the number of compression pulses that go past a fixed point in a given amount of time. The frequency of audible sound is measured in hertz, or cycles per second. Resonance : If a vibration or sound wave can excite another object into vibrating, the second object is said to resonate. This phenomenon is called resonance.
Overtones : The vibrating and resonating parts of musical instruments (and almost everything else that makes sounds) don't produce sound waves of just one frequency. CITING: Summarize from: cs.html (PG4,5,6) cs.html
Einstein: “Life without playing music is inconceivable for me,” he declared. “I live my daydreams in music. I see my life in terms of music…I get most joy in life out of music.” CITING: Einstein quote from Wikipedia
Werner Karl Heisenberg: Heisenberg loved music in addition to physics and saw a deep affinity between these two interests. He was accomplished pianist. His son Jochen H. Heisenberg wrote: “Music was my father’s equivalent to emotional passion. He played regularly for himself and with others, and music was a connector to the people who were not his scientific peers. If I know him so well now, it is partly because of the many hours of music we played together” CITING: Heisenberg's quote form:
Traveling Waves Sound is produced when something vibrates. The vibrating body causes the medium (water, air, etc.) around it to vibrate. Vibrations in air are called traveling longitudinal waves, which we can hear. Sound waves consist of areas of high and low pressure called compressions and rarefactions, respectively. Shown in the diagram below is a traveling wave. The shaded bar above it represents the varying pressure of the wave. Lighter areas are low pressure (rarefactions) and darker areas are high pressure (compressions). CITING:
As we all know, all instruments are invented due to physics principle, people could even made there own instrument by filling water in a wine glass, the Specific voice pitch depends on the length of the air column(how much air is above the water). The basic principles is sound vibrations from the resonance of glass, water and the air.
Physics is a science, is the representative of strict and logic. Music is an art, it represent romance and imagination. However, these two are not standing on the opposite to each other, as the matter of fact, they are somehow related. A great science fact’s development always comes first with a hypothesis and inspiration. Imagination, intuition thinking, inspiration and creativity, these are elements that is required to achieve in physics industry and music happened to offer.
This research that I did is not too academic, but it is about something that I am curious about, during the research, I learned a lot about how music and physics related with each other not only on the perspective of academic but also on the side of spirit. What I can concluded from this research about music and physics is their complementarities, which can benefit from each other and improve all the time. That’s what is important.