4 chambers of the heart- upper called atria and bottom called ventricles Blood pathway through structures of the heart
Electrical Conduction Electrical impulses in the heart control the the contraction of the heart muscles Electrical impulses begin in the SA (sinoatrial) node located in the right atrium; impulse causes the muscles of the atria to contract Impulse then travels to the AV (atrioventricular) node through a band of fibers called the Bundle of His then through the right and left bundle branches to the final branches called the Purkinje fibers
Purkinje fibers distribute the impulses to the muscles of the right and left ventricles causing them to contract Movement of these electrical impulses are recorded by an EKG (electrocardiograph) machine as a series of waves called a PQRST complex
What does PQRST mean? P wave= impulse in SA node and travels through the atria QRS wave= movement of the impulse through the AV node, bundle of His, bundle branches and Purkinje fibers T wave= represents the period of recovery (repolarization) of the ventricles before heart contracts again
Pattern of electrical current in the heart is recorded by an electrocardiograph machine= EKG/ECG Each pattern represents the electrical activity that occurs with each contraction of the heart So, each PQRST complex represents 1 heartbeat If an abnormal electrical impulse occurs it will show on the EKG= we use EKG to dx disease or damage to the muscles of the heart
Electrical activity is recorded from different angles called leads The different leads give MD a more complete picture of the heart MD will note any abnormal electrical activity in the leads to help determine which part of the heart may be malfunctioning
A complete EKG consists of 12 leads Electrodes are placed at specific locations; Connections between the various electrodes create various leads Leads are labeled 1(I), 2(II), 3(III), aVR, aVL, aVF, V1, V2, V3, V4, V5, V6 Leads are classified as standard/limb leads, augmented, and chest leads RA- right arm LA- left arm RL- right leg LL-left leg C or V for chest- placed at 6 different locations on chest
Explain procedure to pt- “not painful” Position pt comfortably; pt needs to relax Pt needs to avoid moving around during EKG- causes electrical interference and will show on EKG recording After all EKG leads have be recorded, a section of each recorded lead is mounted onto a firmer backing using self stick tape (depends on machine you have)
Label mount with pt’s name, address, MD name, date, time, and any pertinent info