Warwickshire County Council Pension Fund Employer Forum January 2014 Neil Buxton Pension Services Manager
Employer Forum 2014 Terry Edwards, Senior Pension Advisor, LGE LGPS 2014 Richard Warden, Fund Actuary, Hymans Robertson. Valuation results Dawn Clutton, Team Leader, on-line developments Lisa Webb, Team Leader, changes in Treasury and Pensions
Employer Forum 2014 Valuation Data submitted to the Actuary Benefit statements for active members Benefit statement for preserved members Additional members through Auto Enrolment
Employers Forum 2014 Continue to work with our local partners Shropshire, Worcestershire, Staffordshire, Cheshire Pension Funds Savings Improved and more timely communications
Employer Forum 2014 Support for LGPS2014 Presentations Intranet / Internet articles from w/c 13 January 2014 Newsletters Online support for employers and members
Employer Forum 2014 And Finally Thank you
Treasury and Pensions