1 Preparation of Six-Year ED Sector Programme Cycle and its 1st biennium Advantages -Real alignment of biennial C/5 (within 6-year ED Programme Cycle)


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Presentation transcript:

1 Preparation of Six-Year ED Sector Programme Cycle and its 1st biennium Advantages -Real alignment of biennial C/5 (within 6-year ED Programme Cycle) with Mid-Term Strategy -Programme and planning based on country needs and priorities (UNESS) -Active involvement of Field Offices and Institutes in planning process -Future planning informed by lessons learnt and findings through continuous monitoring and evaluation -Accumulated biennial results for longer-term impact capitalized on -Planning brought closer to implementation – pushing back steps 4 &5 to later part of planning cycle -Simplication of processes/steps to focus more on programme substance and less on planning Assumptions -Longer-term vision, mission and strategic objectives for ED Sector clarified and accepted -Sufficient resources and trained personnel available for timely and credible UNESS -Sufficient time and capacity of Field Office and Institutes staff -Monitoring and evaluation system fully integrated into programme implementation -Expected results identified in first biennium will remain relevant with minor adjustments throughout 6-year programme cycle -Budget flexibility at sub-programme level with less detail permitted in first draft C/5 for Spring EX session -Proposed steps in DAC Table Programme Management Cycle can be merged and simplified

2 Preparation of Six-Year ED Sector Programme Cycle and its 1 st biennium Jan Feb March April May June July Aug. Sep Oct Nov Dec Step 1: ED Sector Strategic Framework Step 2: Identifying national priorities, needs and strategies (UNESS UNESCO Country Programme Doc) Step 3: Elaborating the structure of MP I Step 4: Regional Consul- tations (budget) Step 5: Education Programme Review by MLA Step 6: Finalization of workplans for the first biennium Two years before C/4 cycle Deadline Preliminary Proposals Deadline draft C/4 and C/5 Jan Feb March April May June July Aug. Sep Oct Nov Dec Two years before C/5 cycle Preparation of Two-Year ED Sector Programme Cycle (2nd & 3rd biennia) Step 2: Guidelines for UNESS review Step 3: Updating of UNESS Step 1: Mid-term monitoring review by MLA with findings to feed into new planning cycle Step 4: Regional Consul- tations Step 5: Education Programme Review by MLA, & follow-up of step 1 Step 6: Elaboration of workplans for the second/ third biennium Deadline Preliminary C/5 Proposals Deadline draft C/5 MS Consultation process EXB Spring Session EXB Fall Session EXB Fall Session General Conference

3 Education Sector Strategic Framework for Major Programme I: Evolving 6-year strategic framework that includes: - guiding principles for biennial budget indications (totals by HQ, regions, institutes and percentage reserved for key initiatives) - outline of main functions and modalities Elaborated to become mid-term strategy & biennial priorities and budget indications DG’s preliminary proposals for C/4 and C/5 to Executive Board Preparation of Six-Year ED Sector Programme Cycle and its 1st biennium Jan Feb March April May June July Aug. Sep Oct Nov Dec Step 1: ED Sector Strategic Framework Step 2: Identifying national priorities, needs and strategies (UNESS UNESCO Country Programme Doc) Step 3: Elaborating the structure of MP I Step 4: Regional Consul- tations (budget) Step 5: Education Programme Review by MLA Step 6: Finalization of workplans for the first biennium Two years before C/4 cycle Deadline Preliminary Proposals Deadline draft C/4 and C/5 MS Consultation process EXB Spring Session EXB Fall Session EXB Fall Session General Conference

4 UNESS: UNESCO’s support strategy at the country level: 6-year perspective with corresponding 2-year action plans including budgetary projections and staffing needs for 1st biennium Biennial review and update to inform 2nd and 3rd C/5 within 6-year cycle Respond to Education Sector Strategic Framework and UNESCO’s comparative advantage vis-à-vis other partners at the country level and within regular budget frameworks normally allocated Identify gaps for resource mobilization beyond UNESCO regular programme assistance – validation of UNESCO’s priorities and strategies for fundraising Identify areas for operational intersectoral cooperation Two-year action plans to become the C/5 biennial workplans. Preparation of Six-Year ED Sector Programme Cycle and its 1st biennium Jan Feb March April May June July Aug. Sep Oct Nov Dec Step 1: ED Sector Strategic Framework Step 2: Identifying national priorities, needs and strategies (UNESS UNESCO Country Programme Doc) Step 3: Elaborating the structure of MP I Step 4: Regional Consul- tations (budget) Step 5: Education Programme Review by MLA Step 6: Finalization of workplans for the first biennium Two years before C/4 cycle Deadline Preliminary Proposals Deadline draft C/4 and C/5 MS Consultation process EXB Spring Session EXB Fall Session EXB Fall Session General Conference

5 Elaboration of MPI structure Analysis and synthesis of UNESS Programme structure to serve the three C/5s of the C/4 period, in principle but… Flexible enough for modifications for 2rd and 3rd biennia based on findings of monitoring and evaluation of ongoing biennium programme and updated UNESS Proposed 4-level programme structure: Major Programme I – Sub-programme – Main Lines of Action – Activities Serve as input to draft C/4 and draft C/5 of MPI Preparation of Six-Year ED Sector Programme Cycle and its 1st biennium Jan Feb March April May June July Aug. Sep Oct Nov Dec Step 1: ED Sector Strategic Framework Step 2: Identifying national priorities, needs and strategies (UNESS UNESCO Country Programme Doc) Step 3: Elaborating the structure of MP I Step 4: Regional Consul- tations (budget) Step 5: Education Programme Review by MLA Step 6: Finalization of workplans for the first biennium Deadline Preliminary Proposals Deadline draft C/4 and C/5 MS Consultation process EXB Spring Session EXB Fall Session EXB Fall Session General Conference

6 Regional Consultations (mainly on budget but not only): Budget distribution to each Field Office for the C/5 cycle via regional consultations based on common principles HQ and Field Offices to distribute budget by MLA with corresponding strategy and main objectives (i.e. making reference to UNESS) (NB: no negotiations required at this stage as each office will distribute budget by MLA according to priorities) Identify and designate Regional MLA Coordinators Start consultation process between HQ, Institutes & FO on identification of roles and functions Preparation of Six-Year ED Sector Programme Cycle and its 1st biennium Jan Feb March April May June July Aug. Sep Oct Nov Dec Step 1: ED Sector Strategic Framework Step 2: Identifying national priorities, needs and strategies (UNESS UNESCO Country Programme Doc) Step 3: Elaborating the structure of MP I Step 4: Regional Consultations (budget) Step 5: Education Programme Review by MLA Step 6: Finalization of workplans for the first biennium Deadline Preliminary Proposals Deadline draft C/4 and C/5 MS Consultation process EXB Spring Session EXB Fall Session EXB Fall Session

7 Education Programme Review by MLA: To take place during ED staff seminar at HQ Review budget and strategy proposals Elaborate implementation strategies Agree on roles and responsibilities among Field Offices, HQ and Institutes Identify expected results (these may differ from region to region and between HQ and Field) Preparation of Six-Year ED Sector Programme Cycle and its 1st biennium Jan Feb March April May June July Aug. Sep Oct Nov Dec Step 1: ED Sector Strategic Framework Step 2: Identifying national priorities, needs and strategies (UNESS UNESCO Country Programme Doc) Step 3: Elaborating the structure of MP I Step 4: Regional Consul- tations (budget) Step 5: Education Programme Review by MLA Step 6: Finalization of workplans for the first biennium Deadline Preliminary Proposals Deadline draft C/4 and C/5 MS Consultation process EXB Spring Session EXB Fall Session EXB Fall Session

8 Preparation of Six-Year ED Sector Programme Cycle and its 1st biennium Jan Feb March April May June July Aug. Sep Oct Nov Dec Step 1: ED Sector Strategic Framework Step 2: Identifying national priorities, needs and strategies (UNESS UNESCO Country Programme Doc) Step 3: Elaborating the structure of MP I Step 4: Regional Consul- tations (budget) Step 5: Education Programme Review by MLA Step 6: Finalization of workplans for the first biennium Deadline Preliminary Proposals Deadline draft C/4 and C/5 MS Consultation process EXB Spring Session EXB Fall Session EXB Fall Session Finalization of workplans: Close negotiations on activities and corresponding budget Quality control and validation of draft workplans (detailed operational plans to achieve the expected results) UNESS could be developed to become workplans and education component of the UNESCO Country Programme Document.

9 Preparation of Six-Year ED Sector Programme Cycle and its 1st biennium Jan Feb March April May June July Aug. Sep Oct Nov Dec Step 1: ED Sector Strategic Framework Step 2: Identifying national priorities, needs and strategies (UNESS) Step 3: Elaborating the structure of MP I Step 4: Regional Consul- tations (budget) Step 5: Education Review Committee by MLA Step 6: Finalization of workplans for the first biennium Two years before C/4 cycle Deadline Preliminary ProposalsDeadline draft C/4 and C/5 OPTION 1: push back regional consultations until after EX spring session in Y2. Hypothesis: expected results and budget by MLA can be excluded in the first draft C/5 presented to Y2 EX spring session and included in revised draft C/5 for Y2 EX autumn session. Advantage: planning is closer to execution, based on budget likely to be approved during Y2 EX spring session. Jan Feb March April May June July Aug. Sep Oct Nov Dec Step 2: Identifying national priorities, needs and strategies (UNESS) Step 3: Elaborating the structure of MP I Step 4: Regional Consul- tations Step 5: Education Review Committee by MLA Step 6: Elaboration of workplans for the first biennium Two years before C/4 cycle Deadline Preliminary Proposals Deadline draft C/4 and C/5 OPTION 2: do regional consultations and review before Draft C/5, in order to incorporate results. Advantage: more in line with BSP. Disadvantage: less time; budget may change and regional consultations and ERC may need to be re-opened, & too early in the process to lead straight into step 7 Step 1: ED Sector Strategic Framework New rounds of step 4 and 5 ?