Motueka knowledge base Chris Phillips & Les Basher with help from Roger Young, James Barringer, Andrew Fenemor.


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Presentation transcript:

Motueka knowledge base Chris Phillips & Les Basher with help from Roger Young, James Barringer, Andrew Fenemor

Background Purpose Knowledge base & Web site Who it serves Structure & Function Demo Future Presentation Outline

Background 1 st steps bring things together common base for understanding identify gaps identify environmental trends Integration accessible

Technical Report review and synthesise existing information list metadata about the catchment describe key land and water RM issues describe current statutory framework for L&W RM identify key info. gaps and research needs for improved, integrated management of the Motueka catchment

communication - inside and out show what is known show what is being done present research results integrate activities on the ground programme management information management Purpose of web site

Who does it serve? project participants stakeholders general public - local any one with an interest in ICM

Structure & Function designed around core science themes hierarchical - layers currently mostly static – limited interaction navigation - upper and LHS

What’s in it? concept and aims of ICM current science projects and results library of resources project staff and scientific interests mechanism for interaction between the scientists, policy makers, and the community links to other NZ and overseas ICM projects

What next? more results more interaction GIS community programmes ????? Let’s have a look …………