Maritime Navigation and Information Services MarNIS FP6 - Integrated Project C. Willems, C. Glansdorp
3/12/20042 Carambolage en mer du Nord - Informing the ones who can do something about it - Le Soir – 7. decemb. 2002
3 MarNIS Project type: FP6 - Integrated Project Responsible organisation EC: DG TREN Project duration: 4 Years Expected starting date: May 2004 Project budget: 19.5 M€ Contribution EC: 12 M€ 45 Partners and 12 subcontractors from 13 countries: Ministries of Transport and Port Authorities Branch organisations (Harbour masters, Pilots) Industry & IT companies Universities & Research institutes Coordinator: AVV Transport Research Centre of the Ministry of transport, public Works and Water Management
3/12/20044 Objectives Improvement of safety and the protection of the environment; Improvement of security of vessels, coasts and ports; Improvement of efficiency and reliability of information flows; Furtherance of the economy of sea transport; Improvement of the efficiency of legal and organisational aspects regarding enforcing of rules and regulations in the “European maritime zone”
6 MarNIS outline of the project Project co-ordination: AVV Project Management Programme management Financial, Quality & Administrative management Technical management Research clusters C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 High Level Advisory Board DGTREN Horizontal activities Policy recommendations Architecture Human factors Assessment Test bed Demonstrations State of the art Dissemination Reference groups
3/12/20047 High Level Advisory Board Advisory body on behalf of DG TREN and the MarNIS project on: Present day and future development in the MarNIS arenas; safety, security and transport efficiency; Project programme focused on actuality. Link between MarNIS and the governmental agencies Membership of HLAB Representatives of EMSA; Members of the European parliament; Representatives of maritime agencies of the Member States; Representatives of Euro police, Euro customs; Representatives of European branch organisations, such as EHMA, EMPA and CESMA.
3/12/20048 Reference Groups Stakeholder reference group Representatives of branch organisations or ministries of transport, ports, related projects or initiatives Advice and their input on: MarNIS research programme; User requirements. Industrial reference group Representatives of industrial corporations; Information exchange and development of common strategies on implementation of standards, technology, applications and systems in the context of the MarNIS project.
3/12/20049 Cluster outline WP1.1: Preventive Safety Related Information Management WP1.2: Information Management for authorities WP1.3: Information services in ports Cluster 1: Maritime Information Management SWP: State of the art SWP: Research SWP: Architecture SWP: Human Factors SWP: Test bed SWP: Policy recommendations SWP: Assessment SWP: Dissemination SWP: Demonstrations
3/12/ Horizontal activities (1) Legal aspect and policy recommendations Develop proposals for new legislation; Proposals for administrative and procedural changes in the regulatory framework. Architecture and harmonisation & standardisation Develop a common maritime architecture on policy, business and technical level; Set the requirements for standardisation and provision of proposals for standards to the relevant organisations. Human factors & Training and Education Develop a uniform approach for HMI, Training and Education of the products of MARNIS; Develop Training and Education requirements for stakeholders using the MARNIS products.
3/12/ Horizontal activities (2) Test bed Test bed environment or technical platform for: Technical assessment of the research results of MarNIS External evaluation and presentation of technical results of MarNIS Training and education facility for MarNIS developments and Execute MarNIS conformity tests. Demonstrations Demonstrate the (integrated) results of MarNIS on local, regional and pan-European level.
3/12/ Horizontal activities (3) Assessment Technical assessment of the MarNIS results; Environmental assessment; Financial-economic analysis (perspective of a private company or an authority); Socio-economic analysis (perspective of society as a whole). State of the art/project database State of the art on the MarNIS topics; Collection of requirements; Project database on the results;
3/12/ Project clusters Cluster 1: Maritime information management. Cluster 2: Technology and information Systems. Cluster 3: Pro-active and remedial measures at sea Cluster 4: Port traffic management and information services Cluster 5: Information services on-board
3/12/ Maritime information management Preventive and safety related information management Pan-European solutions for information exchange and (one-stop) reporting in interoperable information networks; SafeSeaNet Information management for authorities Customs, immigration, port & maritime authorities, port state control, agriculture inspection…. Information services in ports One stop shopping; Small ports; Resource management; PCS and CCS and link to RIS. Implementation scenarios of the administrative and procedural implications of Maritime Information Management.
3/12/ Proactive and remedial safety structure at sea Determination of risk due to maritime traffic along the European coasts (risk levels, safety bottlenecks, safety indices) Preventive and remedial measures at sea Proposal for supporting tools for SAR and VTM measures at sea Scenario’s and and tools to: Demonstrate integration of VTM functionality of SAR/MRCC functionality to prove the viability of combined Proactive and Remedial services Determine the adequacy of SAR and ETV resources along the European coasts; Potential for an European Coastguard or Virtual European Coastguard
3/12/ Port traffic management and information services Modern VTM with focus on Safety, efficiency, and throughput of traffic Port and fairway usability, port accessibility and maritime security. Resource management Utilising innovative technologies Support VTM in ports by improving provision of safety and infrastructural related information on board vessels PPU and PPDA Improve security in ports through the use of information systems, technologies, and communication systems
3/12/ Information services on-board External Information flows on board Business related info Cargo related info Security Meteorological information services & route planning as well as risks envelopes Emergency response on board Decision support to evacuation including estimation of floating time Integrated emergency management in coordination with nearest MRCC Improved fire prevention and mitigation
3/12/ Systems and technology Integration of AIS functionalities LR-AIS Integration of AIS and Synthetic Aperture Radar as surveillance tool for environmental protection Broadband applications for ships/communication problems Integration and standardisation of information related to GALILEO/AIS/ECDIS/radar and VDR to facilitate advanced decision support. Charts’ updates and associated info Develop ENCs updates methods; Integrate relevant legal info in ENC’s
3/12/ For more information: Takk for oppmerksomheten