Training Session January 5, 2011
Richard Beck, Chairperson Bruce Garrison Tom Volturo Linda Andrews Greg Thompson David Barron Len Szopinski Wren Baker MaryRose Hart Patricia Seward Mary Mackie Adrean Shelly, President, SGA 1/3/20112
The purpose of the University Planning Group is to prioritize the Strategic Planning Objectives and review measurable results. 1/3/20113
Objectives selected by UPG for Year One Year One: fall 2010 and spring 2011 Identify Evaluation Measures, Performance Standards and Actions that were performed during fall 2010 or will be accomplished during spring 2011 Year One is budget neutral 1/3/20114
University Goals University Objectives Department Actions (Planning Unit) Strategic Planning Committee University Planning Group Departments 1/3/20115
Planning Unit develops draft plan and submits it to University Planning Group University Planning Group evaluates draft plan and provides feedback to Planning Unit Planning Unit incorporates feedback and returns revised plan University Planning Group submits final plans from all units to President 1/3/20116
Goal (University Level) Broad outcome Ultimate achievement Desired endpoint The end toward which effort is directed Objective (University Level) Steps to achieve goal Specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-based Prioritized Objectives (University Planning Group) Implementation (Department Level) Operational methods Building blocks to implement the strategic plan Evaluation Measure Performance Standard Action Data/Findings Requested Resources 1/3/20117
Participation, collaboration and communication High aspirations, with creativity and innovation Measurable with performance standards Specifies unit actions, findings and requested resources 1/3/20118
Goal: Increase diversity Objective: Recruit, retain, advance, and recognize a diverse faculty, staff, and administration Implementation: Evaluation Measure Demographics of RSU Employees and the Service Area (Counties of Rogers, Mayes, and Washington) Performance Standard (or Indicator) Faculty who are members of racial or ethnic minority groups will be within 5% of the service area population. Action Place advertisement in Diverse Issues in Higher Education. 1/3/20119
University Goal University Objective Evaluation Measure Performance Standard Action Year One Data/ Findings Action Year Two Requested Resources 1/3/201110
Unit Action Plan template will be posted on the RSU website at group.asp. group.asp. Unit Action Plans Due January 28, 2011 Complete the form electronically Submit the Action Plan via to Dr. Richard Beck at Unit Report for and Budget Supplement Request tentatively due April 1, 2011 Questions and Discussion 1/3/201111