NEPAL Located in Asia between China and India Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal Sushil Koirala is the current Prime Minister Population of 27 million 56,827 sq miles Hinduism is the main language j1j ac.1.58.img UWG3xpquSuc
Nepal Three main land regions Terai (Plains) Hill Regions Mountain Region ac.1.58.img UWG3xpquSuc#hl=en&tbm=isch&q=nepal+map&facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=cOXVmboYuNKmtM%253A%3BRTJOa2NHHWl0dM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fupl 52
Jute Long, soft, shiny vegetable fibre Spun to make course threads Grown in the terai region land competition to grow sugar cane and corn as well 14,418 tonnes of jute produced in Nepal
Seed Spreader An 80lb Capacity Deluxe Broadcast Spreader 10in. heavy duty poly wheels Adjustable flow rate
Home Hardware Owned and operated by Canadians One of the largest 100% Canadian Retailer Celebrating 50 years of business in Canada Distribution centers in St. Jacobs and Elmira, Ontario
Benefits to Canada Increased revenue and GDP More jobs local to Guelph Increased trade with Nepal Better relations with Nepal Future trade agreements yQSAg4KIDQ&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ#tbm=isch&q=opertunity+signs&facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=TwpHezjWVdtkfM%253A%3BlpV19ngIe2DhCM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fthumbs.dreamsti
Benefits to Nepal Increased Jute production Less intense labour involved Less intense labour in the “thinning out” process More job oppertunities More jute to export to fill demand Increased GDP Increased trade relations j1j ac.1.58.img UWG3xpquSuc#hl=en&tbm=isch&q=jute&imgdii=_
Conclusions Exporting the seed spreader from Canada to Nepal holds the potential to largely benefit both countries
Angela PfaefflI University of Guelph in partnership with IDRC CIFSRF and DFAIT Faculty Sponsor: Prof. Manish Raizada For further information please visit the following website for a detailed evaluation of this export idea