Real Experience. Real Advantage. [ 2 Our Experience - History SAP go-live for Payroll January Go live for SAP ROE approximately 6 months later due to configuration and hardware issues. ROE transaction had “test run” selected for the Run type and we didn’t at the time understand the impact.
Real Experience. Real Advantage. [ Our Experience - History Most payroll analysts were printing the ROE on plain paper and creating the multi part form by hand. Many payroll analysts were saving variants with the employee details (first and last day worked) so they would not create a duplicate ROE.
Real Experience. Real Advantage. [ The Need for WebROE In the summer of 2009, Canada Post introduced a new Short Term Disability plan that required ready access to a Record of Employment. WebROE was seen to be the solution.
Real Experience. Real Advantage. [ Project Phase – T5KSN table When investigating the WebROE configuration we became aware of the T5KSN table and it’s role in managing ROE creation. Issue: Our T5KSN table had only been updated for those analysts who may have “unclicked” the test run button and run a live ROE. Outcome: We ran a baseline open ROE run to update the table for actions since go-live in 2004.
Real Experience. Real Advantage. [ Project Phase – T5KSN table The Project group executed a Live run (RunID 0) in the background to create live ROEs for the PA actions we configured to generate an ROE. Issue: Many of our ROEs are issued to term/temporary employees where no PA 40 action is done (reduction in hours). Outcome: We executed each of the variants that had been saved to update the T5KSN table for the individual ROEs generated (hundreds of variants).
Real Experience. Real Advantage. [ Go Live July 2009 Issue:Outcome: First and Last days worked for manually generated ROEs did not coincide with the dates of the PA40 transactions (users had entered a Friday as a last day worked while the LOA action had been effective the Monday). We initially tracked the ROEs generated and checked the ROE content before forwarding to Service Canada which resulted in delays created many employee complaints. PA 40 actions for leave without pay were being entered effective the first day the employee was scheduled after the LDW. When the date entered fell in a pay period where there would be no earnings, pay results were created with no earnings or hours and the ROE table updated accordingly. The resulting bulk ROE is rejecting at SC. Business process put in place to ensure proper dates were used for the PA 40 action. Block 10 - While SAP stores the hire date for a term/temporary employee in IT The ROE is configured to select this day as First Day Worked. Many terms do not work immediately after being hired. ROEs were being rejected at the Service Canada website when the initial pay period had no earnings. A new date type was created in IT 0041 that identifies the first day of earnings for a temporary employee and populates the first day of the pay period as first day worked for an ROE.
Real Experience. Real Advantage. [ Go Live July 2009 Issue:Outcome: Block 15A and B - SAP will generate an ROE if no hours/insurable earnings exist (term employees who have not worked in the year or consecutive leave of absence). ROEs are generated by SAP but reject when transmitted to Service Canada. Consecutive LOAs are identified prior to bulk job being executed and are excluded from the job. Term employee ROEs are allowed to expire on the SC website. Block 17C - ROEs related to the Short Term Disability plan at Canada Post requires a Code “U” be entered in Block 17C to identify the employee is subject to a sub plan. Configuration is not yet available to populate this field in SAP. ROEs generated for this type of leave are sent to the Service Canada website and then individually updated to attach the correct code in Block 17C. Block 18 - Custom content required in the Comments block of the ROE for dismissals and termination incentives. Bulk ROE job cannot include these types of ROEs as the comment field can only be entered one at a time. These employees are excluded from the bulk job and ROEs executed one at a time.
Real Experience. Real Advantage. [ Go Live July 2009 Issue:Outcome: Block 19 – For wage loss and sub plan payments, average weekly earnings and the start date must be identified. No link to SAP to identify the applicable earnings and date. Not able to create these ROEs with the bulk job as calculation and date are specific to the employee. Manual calculations required. These ROEs need to be created as a one of transaction and forwarded to the Service Canada website individually.
Real Experience. Real Advantage. [ 10 Web ROE – One Year Later Average 300 ROEs generated via the bulk load each pay period. Savings of 1 FTE/year. Number of manual ROEs are greater than expected with approximately 250 per pay period. Rejects from bulk job, Temporary employees and Manipulation or calculations required Fewer rejects from the bulk ROE job after one year of data.
Real Experience. Real Advantage. [ Benefits of Web ROE ROEs on the SC website are immediately accessible to the employee. Easy retrieval of ROEs by Contact Centre agents for enquiries. No paper handling or filing. If PA data is correct, ROEs are correct and generated quickly with little effort. All weeks provided for Best 14 week project automatically.
Real Experience. Real Advantage. [ 12 Lessons Learned Before WebROE go live: Know what your T5KSN table contains. Run an ROE bulk job in a test environment and assess the results for error messages generated. File from Service Canada to QPAP (Quebec parental plan) does not include Block 18 comments. No ability to Void a submitted ROE on the SC website (amend only). If an ROE in error is created, then you can allow it to expire without submission.
Real Experience. Real Advantage. [ 13 ] Thank you for participating.