Hopkins Elementary Sight Word Project Yanira Alfonso, Ed.S. Yanira Alfonso, Ed.S. ELL Language Specialist & Project Coordinator Contact Information: Websites: Mrs. Alfonso's ELL Resource Website Mrs. Alfonso's ELL Resource Website Mrs. Alfonso's ELL Resource Website khttp:// k= kor Go to: “Class Websites” on the Hopkins Elementary Website September, 2007 September, 2007
Words Adrienne McFarland, ELL Teacher Voice: Vernay Gilliard
reading I am reading a book.
fall fall. You will fall.
poor The family is poor. The family is poor.
map The boy is looking at the map map.
friends friends. The boy and his dog are best friends.
language language. Spanish is my language.
job job. Learning is his job.
reading I am reading a book.
fall fall. You will fall.
poor The family is poor. The family is poor.
map The boy is looking at the map map.
friends friends. The boy and his dog are best friends.
language language. Spanish is my language.
job job. Learning is his job.