Warm up: 1.Who is the scientist who provided evidence for evolution? 2.What is the definition for evolution? 3. What is a species?
EVIDENCE FOR EVOLUTION 1.Fossils in the fossil record 2.Vestigial Structures 3.Similar skeletal structures (bones) 4.Similar DNA 5.Similar embryonic structures (before born)
Word DefinitionPicture 1. Fossils Solidified remains or imprints of once-living organisms
How does a fossil form? Fossil is exposed Covered by sediment Minerals replace remains Minerals still replacing remains, layers disturbed Organism dies
Plant fossils Fossilized skin Ancient mosquito preserved in amber
Which fossil is the oldest and why? A B C
Evidence?What is it?Picture 2. Ancestor Early form of an organism from which later forms are descended from
Evidence?What is it?Picture 3. Extinct When a group of organisms die out and none are left!
Word DefinitionPicture 4. Vestigial Structures A body structure that is no longer used and is used as evidence for evolution
Evidence?What is it?Picture Vestigial Structures Show that they evolved from needing them. Examples: leg bones in whales and the human tail bone
Evidence?What is it?Picture 5. Homologous structures Many bones in arms, legs, flippers, and wings are very similar.
Evidence?What is it?Picture 6. Similar DNA All organisms have DNA and organisms that look similar have very similar DNA.
Similarities in DNA Example: elephant shrew (rodent) and elephant – DNA proved that the shrew is closer related to elephant than to mice
Evidence?What is it?Picture 7. Similar Embryonic Structures Before organisms are born, many look very similar.
Similarities in Early Development 1. Adults of different species look very different
2. Similarities in the shapes and structures when an embryo is in early development
Dolphin embryo
Is evolution happening now? Yes, scientists have observed many examples of species changing today: People are getting larger Peppered moths have changed color Bacteria are becoming resistant to drugs Insect pests become immune to poisons
Closure activity - Fold your paper into 6 strips. Label the first box “Evidence for Evolution” List each of the 5 types of evidence in the other boxes. Draw a picture for each type of evidence. Use your notes to help you.