Evolution Unit Learning Goal 4: Cite evidence that supports the theory of evolution.
The Fossil Record Provides evidence of how species have changed. ghSchoolBioResources/Evolution/Fossils_ and_the_Study_of_Evolution.asf
Relative Dating The age of the fossil is determined by comparing the fossils with others in different layers. Index Fossil –Used to compare the relative age of a fossil.
Radioactive Dating The age of sample is calculated based on the amount of remaining radioactive isotopes it contains.
Geological Time Scale History of the Earth. Age of the Earth is 4.6 Billion Years Old. 4 Eras –Each Era ends with a mass extinction. Periods –Eras are subdivided by the type of life in them.
Extinction More than 99% of species that have ever lived on the Earth are now extinct. Clips/21%20Evolution/ KT%20Asteroid.wmv
s.org/wgbh/no va/scienceno w/video/3318/ w htmlhttp:// s.org/wgbh/no va/scienceno w/video/3318/ w html
Homologous Structures Similar structures that have different functions.
Homologous Structures
Vestigial Organs: Organs that seem to have lost their function.
Similarities in Embryology Comparing the embryos of different species.
Comparing DNA Looking at the sequences of bases.
Adaptive Radiation A process by which a single species or a small group of species evolves into several different forms that live in different ways.
Convergent Evolution Unrelated organisms come to resemble one another.
Coevolutuion The process where two species evolve in response to changes in each other over time.
Punctuated Equilibrium Pattern of long, stable periods interrupted by brief periods of more rapid change.
Endosymbiotic Theory Proposes that eukaryotic cells arose from living communities formed by prokaryotic cells. –Eukaryotic cells= cells with a nucleus. –Prokaryotic cells- cells without a nucleus.
Miller and Urey Experiment Did an experiment that proved that complex molecules could arise form early environmental conditions. Gave evidence that life could have formed on early earth. vie_Clips/21%20Evolution/Potential%20Fo r%20Life.wmv