Research Paper Computer Information Technology
Research Paper There seems to confusion over when the paper is due. The paper was due 4/6/11. I must have had an old date in one of the documents. To give people time… Paper is now due Friday 4/8/11 at the end of class There is a penalty for turning in late paper (10% per day)
Research Paper Your final paper will have: 1. Title Page 2. Outline 3. Body (2-4 pages double spaced) 4. Works Cited Use the web site: itationbuilder.php to help you format your references. itationbuilder.php
Review the Rubric!!! 1. Title page10 2. Outline Introduction paragraph (why you chose this person)10 4. Biography (life, education, career)20 5. Contribution to computer science20 6. References 10 3 minimum (must cite from each source at least once, use proper format, an original source must be labeled & highlighted) 7. Works cited page with correct format10 8. Overall surface features10 Format, page numbering and order, size of type, font, spelling, mechanics, etc.