Aftermath of the Vietnam War
Learning Targets Understand the reasons and impact of U.S. withdrawal from the Vietnam War Explain and analyze the effects of the Vietnam War on both the Vietnamese and Americans Assess the lesson the Vietnam War has taught our nation.
Online Discussion Format Send messages and respond to others using Web address: RULES: EVERYONE discusses and contributes. One person using iPad at a time. May ONLY be on TAKE TURNS! Go in a circle. All comments must be appropriate and on topic. Your name on is on your table. When commenting/questioning another group—use their name in the message (i.e.—”MIAs—what do you mean? ”
ANALYZE Based on what you have learned, why do you think the United States lost the Vietnam War? Post your comment, and if time, comment on or question others
Paris Peace Accords (1973) Vietnamization begins process Cease-fire, U.S. withdrawal, release of POWs Fighting continued between North and South American aid continued War Powers Act (Congress must approve war) Signing the Paris Peace Accords Arrival of POWs at Clark Air Force Base
DEBATE Was the United States right to withdraw from Vietnam? Why?(think about both Americans and the South Vietnamese) Post your comment, and if time, comment on or question others
North Vietnam Victory (1975) Millions of casualties Vietnam communist, also Cambodia and Laos Refugees flee communist countries Trying to get into U.S. Embassy for safety Last helicopter out of Saigon, which was renamed Ho Chi Minh City 1.5 million refugees leave- 1/2 come to U.S. U.S.: 58,000 dead, 2,500 MIAs North Vietnam & Vietcong: 1 million South Vietnam: 185,000 Civilians - 500,000
PREDICT What other lasting effects do you think the war will have? (consider both the United States and Vietnam) Post your comment, and if time, comment on or question others
Effects of Vietnam War Vietnam Vets Suffered from PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)
Effects of Vietnam War Vietnam Vets Some still M.I.A.
Effects of Vietnam War South Vietnamese some sent to “reeducation” camps
Effects of Vietnam War South Vietnamese Refugees (“Boat People”) flee to U.S.
Effects of Vietnam War South Vietnamese Agent Orange continues to cause health issues 11 million Gallons Sprayed 1 million Victims Higher rate of birth defects
Effects of Vietnam War South Vietnamese Landmines still in Vietnam today 42,000 killed since million acres still covered U.S. spent $46 million since 1989 to clean up
Effects of the Vietnam War Read about your assigned effect of the war. Write BRIEF notes on the following: Topic: Description: Disturbing fact: Long-term impact:
DESCRIBE Describe/summarize your event. Post your comment, and if time, comment on or question others
IDENTIFY Identify the most disturbing fact you discovered. Post your comment, and if time, comment on or question others
EVALUATE Evaluate the long-term impact of your topic (consider both the United States and Vietnam). Post your comment, and if time, comment on or question others
PRIORITIZE Which long-term impact was the worst? (consider all comments) Post your comment, and if time, comment on or question others
Reflection Without looking at your notes, explain the effects of the Vietnam War. What is the most important lesson Vietnam has taught our nation?