The Industrial Revolution Why Britain? Why then?
Causes: 1. Expanding Atlantic economy and British Empire
2. Favorable Natural Conditions Coal Iron Waterways
3. Agricultural Revolution, 1700-1800 Jethro Tull, 1674-1741 First Modern Farmer Invented seed drill
Seed Drill
Agricultural Rev. (cont.) Enclosures Crop rotation system Improvement became the goal
Agricultural Rev. (cont.) Led to: More efficient food production Cheaper food More disposable income Less workers needed in rural areas
4. Political conditions Constitutional Monarchy Relative Stability Economic growth
5. Legal conditions No internal tarrifs Patent law encouraged invention
6. Financial Conditions Effective central bank (1694) Well-develop credit markets Plenty of capital
7. Proto-industry Putting-out system or cottage industry Division of labor
8. Major technological advances Cotton is king! 1760s - James Hargreaves invented Spinning Jenny 1760s - Richard Arkwright invented Water Frame 1779 - Samuel Crompton invented the Spinning Mule
8. Major technological advances 1770s: Arkwright also developed the Factory System: One roof Central source of power Division of Labor
8. Major technological advances (cont.) Steam Power: 1698: Thomas Savery invented a steam engine 1712: Thomas Newcomen invented a steam engine 1765: James Watt greatly improved Newcomen engine 1820s: Railroads: George Stephenson’s Rocket