An industry where the creation of products and services is home-based, rather than factory-based. While products and services created by cottage industry are often unique and distinctive given the fact that they are usually not mass-produced, producers in this sector often face numerous disadvantages when trying to compete with much larger factory-based companies. Cottage Industry
Most of peoples’ time in the Early Modern Period was spent in the fields or in the home making the essentials for living
Then along came the Spinning Jenny. Now a women could make more than one spool of yarn at a time.
Soon after came the Power Loom (Flying Shuttle). Now people could make cloth in mass if they had a power source.
The first power sources were water
and wind. Which was impractical
A Watt steam engine, the James Watt steam engine that propelled the Industrial Revolution in Britain and the worldsteam engine
The Industrial Revolution was a transformation of human life circumstances that occurred in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries (roughly 1760 to 1840) in Britain, the United States, and Western Europe. Cause: due in large measure to advances in the technologies of industry. The Industrial Revolution was characterized by a complex interplay of changes (Effect)in technology, society, medicine, economy, education, and culture in which multiple technological innovations replaced human labor with mechanical work, replaced vegetable sources like wood with mineral sources like coal and iron, freed mechanical power from being tied to a fixed running water source, and supported the injection of capitalist practices, methods, and principles into what had been an agrarian society.technologiessocietyculturecoaliron
The Industrial Revolution marked a major turning point in human history, comparable to the invention of farming or the rise of the first city-states—almost every aspect of daily life and human society was, eventually, in some way altered.
People moved to the cities where the work was located. Causing over crowding and unsanitary living conditions.
Air and water pollution were serious problems Because governments had a Laissez-faire attitude.
Women and children worked long hours for little pay at jobs requiring small hands or frames.
The family structure that people were used to was breaking down.
Health care was primitive for everyone by today’s standards but it was almost non-existent for the poor
Cause: People were beginning to view industry and the people that ran it as eating up the working class people. Effect: The birth of workers rights movement and socialism
1.Industrial Revolution 2.Technology 3.Society 4.culture 5.Innovations 6.mechanical 7. Laissez-faire 8.socialism Name _____________________