1 Dropout Stats Brian Hinman, Ed.S Transition Specialist
2 Introduction Purpose is to provide you with information and statistics on the negative impact of high school drop outs on the individual and the nation.
3 Topics of Discussion Who Race/Ethnicity/Socioeconomic Crime Economy Personal Income and Employment
4 Who One million per year drop out. 7,000 per day drop out. Every 9 seconds. Emotional/Behavioral Disorder approximately twice that of non- disabled. Poor Readers 20 times more likely to drop out than competent readers.
5 Race/Ethnicity/Socio- economic Males 8 times more than females. African American males 14 times more than African American females. 52% Hispanic students graduate. 56% African American students graduate. 78% White students graduate.
6 Crime 30% dropouts are Federal Inmates. 40% dropouts are State Inmates. 50% dropouts on Death Row. 1% increase in Graduation rate saves $1.4 Billion in crime costs. 5% increase in male graduation rates results in $7.7 billion savings in crime costs and increased earning.
7 Economy 18 yr old drop out. earns less than $260,000 in a lifetime Contributes $60,000 less in taxes $26 billion loss in federal and state taxes each year from the 23 million drop outs aged $325 billion in lost wage, taxes and productivity from the 2004, 1.3 million dropouts.
8 Income and Employment High School graduate will make on average $333,000 more than a drop out by age 65. Some college: $ more. College Graduate: $1.3 million more drop out earned 64 cents per dollar in 2004 drop outs earned 37 cents.
9 Yearly Earning Median income for a high school drop out is $12,184 (2003). Median income for a high school graduate or GED was $20,431 (2003). Difference of $8,000 per year or in a ten year time period $80,000.
10 Students with Disabilities Aged 14 and Older who Dropped Out Students with Disability Drop Outs 14 Years and Older by Race/Ethnicity
11 Reference Monrad, M. (2007) “High School Dropout: A Quick Stats Fact Sheet.” National High School Center, American Institute for Research.