World Breastfeeding Trends Initiative (WBTi) Indicators 1-10 Group 1 Group Members: Yupayong Daly Masdiana Nurhaime
A lot of us here are not familiar with the indicators (new people in the WBTi) How can you find the information and resource – can approach with the ministry of health? Lack of making their information public – not easily derived (no documentation) Comments/Suggestions/Problem
Indicator 1 Possible source of Information Information System of Cambodia, Ministry of Health Ministry of Health’s Website University (Research) Ministry of Labor (Thailand) Ministry of Planning Department of Development and Planning National Nutrition Program, Ministry of Health Minits of meeting
Indicator 2 Possible source of Information Ministry of Health
Indicator 3 Possible source of Information Ministry of Health Prime Minister’s Office
Gaps for Indicator 1: 1.Non-operational committee 2.Inadequate funding 3.Poor networking with other agencies 4.No national plan of action Group Work 2: Gaps & Recommendation
Gap: Non-operational committee Recommendations: identifying ‘active’ people in the committee who can drive the program forward Coordinator should be fully dedicated to the national breastfeeding committee To meet regularly – how? Remind them about their shortfalls eg. lack of plan of action, need to look for funding. Follow-up plan with a dateline, documentations of the meeting Indicator 1
Gap: Inadequate funding Recommendations: Look for funding – how? Calculate the budget Sponsors: government, NGOs (UNICEF, IBFAN, WABA, WHO? Government need to look at the evidence- based data Indicator 1
Gap: Poor networking with other agencies Recommendations: Strengthen internal relationship and communication within the Ministry of Health (breastfeeding committee under the roof of MoH) Identifying key sectors who need to be involve with breastfeeding programs: Media, law, labour, planning Indicator 1
Gap: No national plan of action Recommendation: can use other countries/international organization plan of action as reference Develop a national plan of action in conjunction with relevant agencies Indicator 1
Gaps: 1.Less than half of total hospitals and maternity facilities are BFHI 2.There is no standard monitoring system 3.Mothers are not interviewed during assessment of the facility 4.No re-assessment system Indicator 2
Gap: There is no standard monitoring system The hospital need to organize this themselves either ongoing basis or periodically The hospital could also invite external assessors Indicator 2
Gap: Mothers are not interviewed during assessment of the facility Recommendation: Can come up with set of standardized questions that can be based on international standards Indicator 2
Gap: No re-assessment system Recommendation: The national committee need to put this as part of planning The committee needs to have a sub- committee that focuses on re-assessment and monitoring of the programs Indicator 2
Gap: 1.Not all articles of the codes are covered by the law 2.Monitoring system is in place but no penalties and fines imposed as part of the law 3.No reporting of violation and violators are not sanctions Recommendations: Need to lobby with MPs/Parliament/other law enforcing agency Need to strengthen the law and make sure it covers all the Code The committee need to work with other ministry or agency that monitors export and import within the country to assist in monitoring and report any violations Indicator 3