1.Near which geographic feature did early Mojendaro and Harrappa civilization in India begin near? A.Indus river valley B.Thar Desert C.Nile River D.Deccan Plateau
2. In the change from hunters and gatherers to farmers, what was the largest change? A.Humans began to live in large cities, specializing in different jobs. B.People began leaving larger cities, and become nomads C.Humans started to move in groups of 20-50, looking for food. D.Men and women had strictly different jobs, with men doing the hunting and women doing the gathering
3.Which invention were the Indus River Valley (Indian) known for? A.Wheel B.Arch C.Sewer System D.Plow
4. What happened to the city of Harrappa and Mojendaro? A.The city was flooded by a monsoon B.Sarasvati River dried up and earthquakes caused the people to move C.A decline in temperature caused the city to be coved in snow and uninhabitable D.People moved near the Ganges for more protection
Standard 6-1.3: Compare the river valley civilizations of the Tigris and Euphrates (Mesopotamia), the Nile (Egypt), the Indus (India), and the Huang He (China), including the evolution of written language, government, trade systems, architecture, and forms of social order.
Bellringer What was India’s main source of their economy? 2.Which river did the first Indian civilizations begin near? Standard 6-1.3: Compare the river valley civilizations of the Tigris and Euphrates (Mesopotamia), the Nile (Egypt), the Indus (India), and the Huang He (China), including the evolution of written language, government, trade systems, architecture, and forms of social order.
Harappan Society Developed along Indus river Cities very organized: streets, governments, indoor plumbing First sewer system Very few weapons Most people were farmers and artisans Traded with Mesopotamia They did write things down, but we can’t translate
THE ARYANS Answer the following questions about the Aryans with your partner in your notebook Use your blue book pgs (each partner needs to write it in their notebook) Who were they? Where did they come from? What did they do when they got to India? When did they come to India? Why did they come to India? How did they change India? (what did they bring or invent?)
Who were they: nomadic herders, later became farmers Where did they come from: came from central and south Asia What did they do when they got to India: they conquered Harappans and farmed When did they come to India: came to India about 1500 BC Why did they come to India: their cities were destroyed, nomadic How did they change India: invented iron plow, made language called Sanskrit, declared cows sacred (can’t eat cows)
Sanskrit The Aryans invented a language called Sanskrit
Compare and Contrast Cuneiform Hieroglyphics Sanskrit
Harappans and Aryans Harappans Major cities: Harappa and Mohenjo Daro Made first pipes for plumbing of waste water Few weapons = peaceful Traded with Mesopotamia Cities hurt by Earthquakes Aryans Took over Indus valley Herds of cattle, sheep and goats Good warriors (chariots & spears) Stopped eating cow Made iron tools Written language Sanskrit
Evaluate 1.What language did the Aryans invent? 2.What was the main source of economy for both the Harappans and Aryans? 3.Do you believe that the Aryan invasion of India was a good thing or a bad thing? Why? 4.What animal did the Aryans declare sacred?
Bellringer For each civilization, list the river(s) which flow through them and their written language CivilizationRiverWritten Language
HINDUISM & BUDDHISM Hinduism Many gods/goddesses that ruled nature Brahman-universal spirit reincarnation-living many lives dharma-divine law; have to do caste duties karma-the idea your actions, good or bad, will come back Made people accept the castes system Buddhism Prince-searching for life’s answers Lessons about life & suffering people called him the Buddha- ”enlightened one” Nirvana-state of wisdom; giving up worldly goods Didn’t accept caste system
Exit slip- Graded Answer the following questions on a half sheet of paper 1.What is reincarnation? 2.How did Hinduism help Indians accept the caste system? 3.What is karma? 4.What is dharma?
Bellringer How did Hinduism help people accept the caste system? What is karma? What is dharma?
Answer in Notebook 1.How is Buddhism different from Hinduism? 2.How is it similar? 3.Which religion treats those in poverty better? 4.Create your own Buddhist (or wise) saying. Short, simple, and sweet. For example, “The mind is everything. What you think you will become.”- Buddha
Indian Math, Science, & Literature The Mauryan and Gupta Empires made many contributions to math, science, and literature Vedas—ancient hymns and prayers for religious ceremonies Also wrote epics about brave warriors and heroic deeds people still read today
Developed the idea of zero and created a symbol for it Explained the concept of infinity—having no end Created symbols for the numbers 1-9 Mapped the planets and stars Knew the earth was round & it revolved around the sun