GROW Partner Fair 18 January 2006 Workshop on Contracts and Finance GROW Secretariat Alison Partridge and Sally Kneeshaw – Contract Manager.


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Presentation transcript:

GROW Partner Fair 18 January 2006 Workshop on Contracts and Finance GROW Secretariat Alison Partridge and Sally Kneeshaw – Contract Manager

Workshop Aims  To explain the GROW contracting regime  To introduce the finance and monitoring systems  To inform GROW participants of responsibilities of project management and monitoring

GROW Project Applications Process  1st call closed: 8 projects approved pending recommendations  2nd call deadline: 24 February 2006  Project activity: June November 2007

GROW Project Applications Process  Project application  Appraisal  Decisions: Recommended with conditions / Not recommended  Contract Negotiation Meeting with GROW Secretariat to resolve outstanding conditions  Revisions to application  Contract signatures

GROW Project Contract Management  Delivery  Quarterly Monitoring on line  GROW Contract manager to verify  Internal and external audit  GROW Secretariat visits

GROW Contracts 1. Contract between GROW Secretariat and Lead Partner (in English & under UK Law) 2. Partnership Agreements between project partners 3. Letter of agreement between Regional Authority and Project Partners

GROW Contracts: GROW and Lead Partner Start & end date Partners’ details Outputs, results and milestones Budget – by accounting period, partner and expenditure item ERDF Payment schedule

GROW Monitoring  WHY- accountability and project management tool  WHO- various levels of responsibility  Project Partner  Lead Partner  Regional Coordinator  GROW Secretariat  JTS

GROW Monitoring  WHEN: Quarterly  HOW: Online Form + Paper copies.  WHAT:  Same headings as application form  Narrative: Outputs Results

GROW Monitoring  WHAT  Finance: Investment Staff Administration Meetings, seminars, conferences Travel and accommodation Promotion External Expertise, consultancy, external audit Other

GROW Monitoring Remember:  Record Keeping and Evidence retention (3 years after final payment)  Match funding  Eligibility  Audit Trail  Procurement & recruitment  Currency  VAT  Assets

GROW Reporting and Payment System

GROW Monitoring Tips  Get your Finance colleagues on board / involved  Set up monitoring systems at the start  Set up audit file  Go online to try out the reporting system  Lead partner set internal deadlines for partner information  Attend project seminars  ASK for help and advice from GROW Secretariat and Regional Coordinators