ESRD Breakout Session 6 Past, Present, and Future QualityNet 2012 | Baltimore Marriott Waterfront Hotel December 11-13, 2012
2 Objectives Celebrate the successes of the ESRD Network Program Recognize the challenges the Network Program faces today Identify areas of change with the New Program Direction Plan to ensure success *add patient and family engagement to all of the above
The ESRD Program: The Past 3
Successes to Celebrate Call out any and all successes at the National and Local level 4
Reflect What made these projects/initiatives a success? 5
Reflect What made these projects/initiatives a success? How were they different from less successful efforts? 6
Patient Perspective Thoughts to share on the ESRD Network Program 7
The ESRD Program: The Present 8
Challenges List the top three challenges for Aim 1: Better Care for the individual 9
Challenges List the top three challenges for Aim 2: Better Health for the ESRD Population 10
Challenges List the top three challenges for Aim 3: Reduce Costs of ESRD Care by Improving Care 11 Reduce Costs of ESRD Care by Improving Care
The ESRD Program: The Future 12
The NCC’s current role in supporting the ESRD Networks and Beneficiaries –New ESRD Patient Orientation Packet (NEPOP) –Annual Updated Directory of ESRD Network Organizations –Production of the ESRD Network Program Summary Annual Report representing Network achievements and challenges. –Distribution the Fistula First Outcomes Dashboard Data –Distribution of Surgeon Claims Data –Representation and coordination of ESRD activities during CMS’ Annual Quality Net Conference –Leading the Fistula First Breakthrough Initiative including the FFBI coalition and its workgroups 13
What are the NCC’s new roles? –Data Analysis for the Networks and CMS –Data Management –Patient Learning and Action Network –Clinical AIM Learning and Action Network –Kidney Community Emergency Response –Data responsibilities previously done by NWITS 14
In what ways will the NCC support the NW’s? –National Leadership Role for LAN Activities to include support of ESRD Network-Level LAN activities LAN to include patient representation from each ESRD Network –Provide Patient Perspective to improve health care for population and improve safety –All Teach, All Learn events –Provision of standardized templates and resources 15
In what ways will the NCC support the NW’s? –Clinical LAN Engage stakeholders and community to further best practices, quality improvement initiatives and further collaborations Provision of Analytic expertise and data analysis pertaining to Clinical AIMS –Vascular Access counts and rates (incident/prevalent) –Data on disparities, to include racial, ethnic, urban/rural, regional and/or gender 16
Collaborative verses LAN How is a LAN different from a collaborative? 17
Given the National Quality Strategy Goals: What do the Networks need to do differently going forward? 18
Given the National Quality Strategy Goals: What do the Networks need to do differently going forward? What will stay constant? 19
How Can I Help? CMS NCC Other Networks 20
Commit to Action One month First quarter And beyond 21
Thank you for Sharing 22