Read on to learn more about the Vikings.
The Viking lasted for 300 hundred years. Yes 300 years! If they began in 793ce when did the Viking age end. The Viking age ended in 1066 when Norman duke William invaded Britain also the Vikings adopted to new ways of life when they turned into Christian’s. Did you know that it is rumoured that people who have blonde hair and blue eyes have ancestors from the Viking age. Wow isn’t that amazing and weird at the same time.
Did you know that the Viking's ate a lot of meat. They also ate healthy, so when it came to battles they were strong and ready to fight. These were most of the food that the Viking’s ate. Meat Beef Mutton Lamb Goat Horse Pork Deer Elk Reindeer Bear Boar Squirrel Poultry Chicken Geese Duck Eggs Golden Plover Seafood Coalfish Herring Salmon Ling Mackerel Oysters Cockles Fruit Sloes Plums Apples Blackberries Bilberries Figs Grapes And lots of more food.
The Vikings wore chain metal and helmets to protect themselves from damaging their head.Most of them used a wood or metal shield to stop enemies from throwing axes and bow and arrows at them.They hurled spears,axes,bow and arrows and battle axes at the enemies. Before a battle they stood in rows facing each other this was called skjaldbogr. They used weapons to kill the animals they ate for dinner.
Most of the Viking Homes consisted of just one room. Yes just one room ! Today we have more than 4 rooms in a house, but in them days they had one room. If you were rich then you could have 2 or 3 rooms because you had the money. They were really long but today our houses are short but they have more rooms. The Vikings used the main room to cook their food. Did you know that the Vikings used horse manure for their fires. Eww disgusting!!!
1. How long did the Viking age last? 2.Who invaded the Britain which wiped out the Vikings? 3. What did the Vikings use horse manure for? 4.What did the Vikings wear to protect them? 5.Can you name three meats that the Vikings ate? 6.What is rumoured? 7.Where did the Vikings cook their food? 8.How many rooms did a normal Viking have? 9.If you were rich how many rooms could you have? 10.When did the Viking age start and end? Well done if you got them correct!!! Now to see if you have been watching.I’m going to ask some questions.