January, OE Business Plan
1 Current Challenges OE program not performing intended role: -To attract new clients to SSA -Instead it is used as Training tool by our existing clients Impact of Economic downturn: -9 registered OE clients either cancelled or rescheduled attendance -Had to cancel 4 th Gold Belt wave for Nearly $400K revenue loss in 2008 Corporate Restructuring: -Short-term disruption – long-term benefit -Access to systems (SalesForce, Exact Target, etc.) -Leslie’s contestant networking helped to fill classes Need to mitigate impact in short-term – January Gold Blet Long-term: Implementing processes / capabilities to establish repeatable, predictable performance
OE Plan Goal: -Hit high-water mark of $1.3M in Approximately 12 classes, 130+ students Stabilize program: -Transition processes/responsibilities to new staff by 1Q09 -Improve current-state where possible: Updated message/web-site Use of online registration to simplify registration process, doing business with SSA -Mitigate impact of travel restrictions by offering OE classes in different locations -Continue to use existing clients to fill seats Grow revenue: -New Product offerings IBL & SilverBelt – developed, not yet delivered, scheduled for April 2009 Change Acceleration – new offering - March 2009 Additional “Business Belt” offerings – in progress -New locations: Silver Belt – Chicago IBL – Chicago & Pittsburgh Change Acceleration – Denver
3 Overview “Business Belt” Products Integrated Business Leader Business Awareness Financial Analyst Workshop LSS Business Acumen Format 3-day hands-on workshop in classroom setting. Simulation used throughout. ½ day workshop with follow-up activity for students to share with supervisors. ½ day lecture, ½ day workshop. 2-3 day classroom ? Status Designed, scheduled for February delivery. Developed for CR, not yet delivered. Well developed/used.- CONCEPT - Who should attend Manager/ChampionGeneral staffFinancial AnalystsBelts Intended Outcome Prepare Managers / Champions to effectively identify, scope & charter strategically aligned LSS projects, and to monitor/manage Belts/Projects. Students should develop a basic understanding of how they impact business performance through routine activities and how they may improve future business performance. Orientation for FAs. Communicates Financial standards & guidelines for deployment. how to interact with Belts, deployment in general. How to determine & measure project financial benefits. Benefit reporting, tracking & validation. Enhance Belts ability to improve business performance by providing general business acumen with LSS toolset. Belts will be able to ID, scope & execute strategically aligned, impactful projects & better understand business implications. Key topics Intro Fin/bus perf. BRM, VSM LSS Tools Project ID & Chartering Project Coaching Intro Fin/bus perf. Your Bus Measures (e.g. Rev Recon / Utilization) - How you impact bus perf. Into to LSS Deployment overview Fin. Stds. Project Charters Valuation Reporting/Validation Advanced Problem Solving – advanced DOE Intro to Fin/bus performance. Innovation workshop Boot-camp Lean Requirements Engaged Manager/Champion. Business Sponsor.Requires session with Fin. Champ. To establish financial standards. Practicing Belts.
OE Plan Supplier Program not represented yet.
5 The following are trademarks and service marks of Six Sigma Academy International, LLC: Breakthrough Lean ®, Breakthrough Strategy ®, Breakthrough Value Services ®, Breakthrough Change Strategy SM, Breakthrough Design SM, Breakthrough Diagnosis SM, Breakthrough Execution SM, Breakthrough Sigma Lean SM, Breakthrough Six Sigma SM, Breakthrough Software Design SM, FASTART SM, Six Sigma Gold Belt TM, SOLVING YOUR BUSINESS PROBLEMS FOR THE LAST TIME SM. Six Sigma is a federally registered trademark of Motorola, Inc. MINITAB is a federally registered trademark of Minitab, Inc. SigmaFlow is a federally registered trademark of Compass Partners, Inc. VarTran is a federally registered trademark of Taylor Enterprises. Six Sigma Academy International, LLC 630 Fifth Ave., Suite 1900 New York, NY Tel. (212)