Issue Date: 11/03 Customer Billing Education Package Switched Transport and Transmission
Interconnection Services Issue Date: 11/03 2 BellSouth Mileage Authority For any distance measurement from/to a BellSouth Central Office, use the V&H coordinates and mileage calculation formula filed in NECA 4. NECA is updated monthly. Ensure that you are using the most current copy. For any distance measurement from/to an End User, POP, CLEC Switch, etc. (i.e. any non-BST CO), use a tool like Telcordia® Technologies’ LocateIt product that converts an address to the appropriate V&H before calculating mileage. Never use an off-the-shelf mileage PC program to calculate mileage. This information is not updated monthly like the Telcordia® product. Telcordia ® is a trademark of Telcordia Technologies
Interconnection Services Issue Date: 11/03 3 POP ServingWireCenter AccessTandem PORT MUX MUX HostEndOffice PORT PORT MUX Dedicated MUX - DS1/DS0-VG (SATN1) - DS3/DS1(SATNS) Dedicated IOC (Fac Term & Mileage) - VG (1L5NF) - DS0 (1L5NK) - DS1(1L5NL) - DS3 (1L5NM) - Dedicated Ring - Shared Ring B J,K&L M Ded Tandem Trunk Port - DS0/VG (TW0P) - DS1 (TW1P) C.2 Common IOC (Per MOU) (Facility Term & Mileage) B G.6 MUX Access Tandem Switching (Per MOU) C.1 Common Multiplexing - DS3/DS1 - DS1/DS0 or VG (Per MOU) B.2.a & b Common End Office Trunk Port (Per MOU) A.2 PORT End User Charges (Per Line) 4.7 Dedicated MUX (Analog Tandem Only) DS1/VG (SATN2) C.3 Common MUX (See above) Local Switching LS1,2,3,&4 (Per MOU) Flat-Rated Elements Usage-Rated Elements Remote RemoteEndOffice PORT Local Channel - 2W VG (TEFV2) - 4W VG (TEFV4) - DS1 (TEFHG) - DS3 (TEFHJ) - Dedicated Ring - Shared Ring Common IOC (See above) A J,K&L M A.1 Local Switching (See above)
Interconnection Services Issue Date: 11/03 4 Switched Local Channel Elements POP Local Channel - 2W VG (TEFV2) - 4W VG (TEFV4) - DS1 (TEFHG) - DS3 (TEFHJ) -Dedicated Ring -Shared Ring ServingWireCenter Flat-Rated Elements Between the customer’s POP and the BellSouth serving wire center, a Local Channel is billed, unless CFA is present. Local Channel billing elements are found in FCC Tariff 1, Section A, J, K, L and M
Interconnection Services Issue Date: 11/03 5 Dedicated Interoffice Components ServingWireCenter AccessTandem PORT MUXMUX MUX Dedicated IOC (Facility Term & Mileage) - VG (1L5NF) - DS0 (1L5NK) - DS1(1L5NL) - DS3 (1L5NM) - Dedicated Ring - Shared Ring Flat-Rated Elements Between the POP serving wire center and the BellSouth Access Tandem, Interoffice Facility Terminations and Interoffice Mileage charges are applicable. The Interoffice Mileage component is billed per mile. Interoffice billing elements are found in FCC Tariff 1, Section B, J, K, L and M
Interconnection Services Issue Date: 11/03 6 Muxing and Switching ElementsMUXMUX AccessTandem MUX PORT Common Transport Multiplexing - DS3/DS1 -DS1/DS0 or VG (Per MOU) Access Tandem Switching (Per MOU) Dedicated Tandem Trunk Port - DS0/VG (TW0P) - DS1 (TW1P) Dedicated MUX (Analog Tandem Only) DS1/VG (SATN2) Dedicated MUX - DS1/DS0-VG (SATN1) - DS3/DS1(SATNS) Common Transport Multiplexing is found in FCC Tariff 1, Section 6.8.a.B.2.a & b Access Tandem Switching is billed per MOU and is found in FCC Tariff 1, Section C.1 Flat-Rated Elements Usage-Rated Elements Dedicated Tandem Trunk Ports are billed per port and are found in FCC Tariff 1, Section C.2 This charge is per DS1 termination for analog tandems only and can be found in FCC Tariff 1, Section C.3 Dedicated Muxing is billed for channelization and is found in FCC Tariff 1, Section 6.8.A.G.6
Interconnection Services Issue Date: 11/03 7 Common Interoffice Components Host End Office or Stand Alone CO PORT PORT Common IOC (Per MOU) (Facility Term & Mileage) Between the BellSouth Access Tandem and the host end office, Interoffice Facility Terminations and Interoffice Mileage charges are applicable. They are each billed per MOU. Interoffice billing elements are found in FCC Tariff 1, Section B.2 MUX AccessTandem PORT MUXMUX Usage-Rated Elements Flat-Rated Elements End User Charges (Per Line) FCC 1, Section 4.7
Interconnection Services Issue Date: 11/03 8 Determining Tandem-Host and Host-Remote Arrangements BellSouth’s Tandem-Host and Host-Remote Switch homing arrangements can be found in the Telcordia® LERG TM Routing Guide. The LERG TM Routing Guide is available monthly via a CD ROM version or can be transmitted via Network Data Mover (aka Connect:Direct®). If you are interested in ordering the LERG TM guide, further information and an order form can be obtained at Alternatively, you may call the Telcordia® Routing Administration Customer Service Center at (866) or (732) to obtain further information. The Tandem-Host and Host-Remote homing information can be found in the “LERG 7 SHA (Switch Homing Arrangement)” data file of the Telcordia® LERG TM Routing Guide. Telcordia ® and LERG TM are trademarks of Telcordia Technologies, Inc.
Interconnection Services Issue Date: 11/03 9 Tandem Serving Information To obtain the correct Tandem serving information for a specific Central Office COMMON LANGUAGE Location Identification (CLLI TM ) code using the Telcordia ® LERG TM Routing Guide: 1.Find the Central Office CLLI code in the “SWITCH” column of LERG 7 SHA 2.Find the serving Tandem CLLI code in the following columns Service TypeColumn Heading FGB Originating“H-ORG B TDM” FGD Originating“H-ORG D TDM” Op Svcs Originating“H-ORG OS TDM” FGB Terminating“H-TRM B TDM” FGD Terminating“H-TRM D TDM” Op Svcs Terminating“H-TRM OS TDM” Telcordia ®, LERG TM and Common Language are trademarks of Telcordia Technologies, Inc
Interconnection Services Issue Date: 11/03 10 Host Serving Information To obtain the correct Host serving information for a specific Remote Central Office COMMON LANGUAGE Location Identification (CLLI TM ) code using the Telcordia® LERG TM Routing Guide: 1.Find the Remote Office CLLI code in the “SWITCH” column of LERG 7 SHA 2.The Host CLLI code for the Remote central office will be shown in the “HOST” column of the LERG 7 SHA Telcordia ®, LERG TM and Common Language are trademarks of Telcordia Technologies, Inc
Interconnection Services Issue Date: 11/03 11 Host/Remote Billing Elements HostEndOffice PORT MUX Remote RemoteEndOffice PORT PORT PORT Local Switching LS1,2,3,& 4 (Per MOU) End User Charges (Per Line) See Slide 7 Common Transport Multiplexing - DS3/DS1 -DS1/DS0 or VG (Per MOU) See Slide 6 Common IOC (Per MOU) (Facility Term & Mileage) See Slide 7 Local Switching LS1,2,3,& 4 (Per MOU) Common End Office Trunk Port (Per MOU) Common End Office Trunk Port Service is billed per each common transport trunk termination per access MOU and is found in FCC Tariff 1, Section A.2 Local Switching is billed per MOU and is found in FCC Tariff 1, Section A.1
Interconnection Services Issue Date: 11/03 12 Host/Remote Offices in different LATAs POP ServingWireCenter AccessTandem PORT MUX MUX HostEndOffice PORT PORT MUX MUX PORT Remote RemoteEndOffice PORT LATA 490 LATA 492
Interconnection Services Issue Date: 11/03 13 Host/Remote Offices in different LATAs can A host office and it’s remote office can reside in different LATAs. See slide 8 for information regarding determining tandem/host and host/remote arrangements. The stipulation for this arrangement is: BellSouth must terminate or originate the traffic in the same LATA the Interexchange Carrier delivered it to us.
Interconnection Services Issue Date: 11/03 14 Host/Remote Mileage Calculations POP ServingWireCenter AccessTandem PORT MUX MUX HostEndOffice PORT PORT MUX MUX PORT Remote RemoteEndOffice PORT 25 Miles Common transport 15 Miles Common Transport 20 Miles (Airline) 1 Mile
Interconnection Services Issue Date: 11/03 15 Host/Remote Mileage Calculations Common Transport mileage is measured as the sum of the mileage from the Tandem to the Host and the mileage the Host to the Remote, rather than from the Tandem directly to the Remote. The common transport mileage in the previous example would be = 40, not 20.
Interconnection Services Issue Date: 11/03 16 Glossary of Terms MOU – Minute of Usage SWA Transport - Voice frequency transmission path composed of facilities determined by BellSouth or as ordered by the customer Switched Local Channel - provides a communications path between the customer's premises and the serving wire center of that premises. BellSouth SWA Dedicated Transport, the Switched Interoffice Channel can be provisioned between the following customer designated points: (1) the customer's serving wire center (SWC) and the Telephone Company end office switch(es), (2) the SWC and a Telephone Company Facility Hub (Hub) and, (3) the SWC and an Access Tandem, (4) a Hub and an Access Tandem, (5) a Hub to an end office and, (6) a Hub to a Hub.
Interconnection Services Issue Date: 11/03 17 Glossary of Terms (cont’d) BellSouth SWA Common Transport - Switched Interoffice Channel is provisioned between the customer designated Telephone Company end office switch(es) and the Access Tandem. This includes transport between the Access Tandem and the end office, between an end office which serves as a host for a remote switching system or module (RSS or RSM) and the RSS or RSM. Switched Dedicated Interoffice Channel (SW DIOC) rate category consists of two rate elements (1) a Switched Dedicated Transport Interoffice Channel Facility, and (2) a Switched Dedicated Transport Interoffice Channel Facility Termination. Switched Interoffice Channel provides a transmission facility and the facility termination. The Facility Termination applies for each Switched Interoffice Channel terminated.
Interconnection Services Issue Date: 11/03 18 Glossary of Terms (cont’d) Switched Common Interoffice Channel (SW CIOC) is composed of Switched Common Transport facilities as determined by the Telephone Company and permits the transmission of calls or data in the originating direction and/or terminating direction depending upon the customer's order. The SW CIOC transmission charge is a per minute of use, per mile charge. Facility termination charges are assessed on a per minute of use for greater than zero miles. Access Tandem Switching charge is assessed on all originating and terminating minutes of use switched at the Access Tandem. Dedicated Tandem Trunk Port provides for termination of transport facilities at the Telephone Company tandem switch.